Around The Primary

Dear Families

Congratulations to the students for the way in which they have engaged with their learning this term and to families for supporting their children so positively. I extend my thanks to all those who attended the Parent-Teacher Meetings this week. This is an important part of our Reporting process, and we encourage all parents and caregivers to now have conversations with their children to help them reflect on the learning that has taken place, to set goals and to plan for the way forward.


Well done to the Year 6 students who participated in the IPSHA Interschool Basketball Carnival this week at the Willetton Basketball Stadium.  Eight schools competed in this event and our teams played eight rounds over the course of the day.  The students displayed very good skills and sportsmanship on the court. Special thanks Mr Williams and Mrs Taylor for coaching the teams on the day.


On Thursday 28 March at 9.00am the Year 5B students will be leading the Stations of the Cross reflection. Families are welcome to join us for this prayerful time in the Chapel.


Wanju Voices will be singing at the 9:00am Palm Sunday Mass at St Joseph’s Church, Subiaco this weekend on 24 March.  Everyone is welcome. 


Kind regards


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary 


Staff News

Mrs Talea Standing will be commencing Parental Leave at the end of this term. We wish Talea and Kyle every blessing as they look forward to the birth of their first child.


It’s Harmony Week!

Harmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. The message of Harmony Week is everyone belongs. It is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. We will continue to provide opportunities for our students to think, talk about and recognise how our differences make Australia a great place to live. 

Did you know?

  • Nearly half (49 per cent) of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was.
  • We identify with over 300 ancestries.
  • Since 1945, more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia. 
  • 85 per cent of Australians agree multiculturalism has been good for Australia.
  • Apart from English, the most common languages spoken in Australia are Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Italian, Greek, Tagalog/Filipino, Hindi, Spanish and Punjabi. 
  • More than 70 Indigenous languages are spoken in Australia. 

These facts are taken from ABS 2016 Census Data.  Check out the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. 

Dates to Remember

Wednesday 27 MarchYear 2 Excursion, Kings Park
Thursday 28 MarchEaster Reflection, led by Year 5B in Chapel, 9am start
Term 1 ends
Tuesday 16 AprilTerm 2 commences

Please check the College Website to note all the important Primary school events for your family calendar. 


By subscribing to the College calendar, you are automatically alerted when details of an existing event are changed.  

Keep Students Safe

Parking and Driving

  • Please use the John XXIII College carparks only. We need to respect our neighbours, as parking, even if for five minutes during morning or afternoon pick-up is causing disruption at Graylands Hospital for the staff and patients.
  • Slow down around the College and drive safely.
  • Be aware, be courteous and be responsible.
  • Drop your child off and pick them up in designated pick-up areas
  • Always take extra care in 40km school zones.
  • Observe and adhere to all regulatory signage and follow all parking signs - these help keep your child as safe as possible.
  • Never double park - it is illegal and puts children at risk.
  • Model safe and considerate pedestrian and driver behaviours.
  • Always give way to pedestrians particularly when entering and leaving driveways.
  • Please make sure you carefully read the parking signs before you park your vehicle.
  • Vehicles on the College campus must be parked within marked bays at all times.
  • Vehicles may not park in no parking areas, no stopping areas, access ways or any area not officially set aside for parking, including verges, gardens and pathways.


  • Due to our duty of care and responsibilities, Pre-Kindy to Year 6 students are not permitted to use any of the play equipment before or after school. 

Sport Update

Our Year 6 Basketball teams had a great day at Willetton Basketball Association representing the College at the IPSHA Interschool Basketball Carnival.  The teamwork and sportsmanship were outstanding, and the cheering was immense.  Well done to all the players involved. 

Please see the table below for Term 2 Extra-Curricular Sports on offer:

Year GroupSport


(commencing Week 2)

Booking Information 
OpenCross Country 

Tuesday & Thursday 

7:30am – 8:00am

Years 2 and below must be accompanied by an adult.

No booking required
Years 1-6Soccer


3:30pm to 4:20pm

J & J Soccer Training with Coach Adi

Years 1-6 


Girls only


3:30pm to 4:20pm

J & J Soccer Training with Coach Adi

Years 2-6Basketball


3:20pm to 4:20pm

Redhage Basketball School Program


If you have any queries about anything sport-related, please contact me via email: 


Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator

Music Update

Year 5 Music

The Year 5 students have enjoyed practising reading treble clef notes with musical Go Fish! These skills assist the students to sight read music and compose their own pieces.


Palm Sunday at St Joseph’s Church

Wanju Voices will be singing at the 9:00am Palm Sunday Mass at St Joseph’s Church, Subiaco this weekend on 24 March. We look forward to seeing many families join us for this special occasion.



Choir and instrumental ensemble rehearsals for the last week of Term One are as follows:

Wanju VoicesMonday 25 March 8:00am Osborne Room
String OrchestraTuesday 26 March7:45am Osborne Room
Year 6 BandWednesday 27 March7:30am Band Room
Primary SingersThursday 28 March8:00am Osborne Room

Catholic Performing Arts Festival

Entries into this year’s Catholic Performing Arts Festival open on Tuesday 12 March and are open to all students who learn an instrument/voice through the College or with external tutors. Students learning through the College will have their applications to perform managed through the Music Office, while those learning externally can submit and return an online application.


A calendar detailing category, performance venues and dates is available online. Please email the Music Department with any queries 


If you have any queries regarding Primary Music, please contact me via email:


Catherine Haydon

Primary Music Teacher

Extend After School Care

Please refer to the PDF providing information regarding Extend services in Term 2 and ‘The Link Community Hub March’ edition.


Please click on the following link to find out about After School Care offered by Extend including hours of operation, fees and how to book - John XXIII College - Extend


The team at Extend can be contacted via email: or call 

1300 366 437.