Student Wellbeing 

Navigating the Social Media Maze: Finding Balance and Boosting Well-being

Hey! Let's dive into the world of social media and how it can sometimes mess with our lives and out heads.


We all know social media is like our digital playground where we can hang out with friends, share memes, and discover cool new stuff. But let's be real – it's not always rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes, spending too much time on these apps can leave us feeling a bit down.


Ever scrolled through Instagram and felt like everyone's life is way cooler than yours? Or maybe you've been bummed out seeing your friends having a blast without you on Snapchat? Yeah, we've been there too, and it's not fun.


Here are some other not-so-great things about social media that might hit close to home:

  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): It's that sinking feeling you get when it seems like everyone else is living their best life, and you're stuck at home binge-watching Netflix. It's totally normal, but it can make you feel pretty lousy.
  • Cyberbullying: Getting mean comments or nasty messages online is the worst. It's like there's always someone ready to rain on your parade, and it can really bring you down.
  • No Time to Chill: Sometimes, it feels like we're constantly bombarded with notifications, DMs, and likes, leaving us with zero time to just relax and be with our thoughts. It's like our brains never get a chance to catch a break!
  • Sleep Struggles: Who else has stayed up way too late scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, only to regret it the next morning when you're struggling to keep your eyes open in class? Yeah, guilty as charged.

Now, how do you know if social media is getting to you? Look out for these warning signs:

  • Procrastination Station: If you find yourself using social media to avoid doing homework or chores, it might be time to step back and reassess.
  • Real Life vs. Phone Life: Are you more excited to chat with your online friends than hang out with your pals in person? That could be a sign that social media is taking over your life.
  • Scrolling for Days: Feeling like you HAVE to check your feeds every few minutes, even when there's nothing new to see? Yeah, that's a red flag.
  • Comparison Game: Constantly posting stuff just to make others jealous or upset? Trust us, that's not a healthy mindset to be in.
  • Notification Nation: Getting anxious or irritated when you can't check your notifications? It might be time to take a breather.

So, what can you do to break free from the social media trap? Here are some tips:

  • Cut Back: Try limiting your screen time. Even just shaving off 30 minutes a day can make a big difference in how you feel.
  • Digital Detox: Give yourself a break from your phone during certain times, like when you're hanging out with friends or trying to get some shut-eye.
  • Phone-Free Zone: Leave your phone out of your bedroom when you sleep. Seriously, it'll do wonders for your sleep quality.
  • Notification Nation: Turn off those pesky notifications so you're not constantly tempted to check your phone.
  • Check Yourself: Pay attention to how often you're checking social media, and try to cut back if it's becoming a habit.
  • Take a Break: If social media is really stressing you out, consider taking a temporary break. Trust us, the world won't end if you're not online for a few days.

And most importantly, don't forget to live your life beyond the screen! Spend time with your friends, explore new hobbies, and take care of yourself. Because at the end of the day, there's more to life than what you see on your phone.

So go ahead, put down your device, and go make some memories. You got this! 🌟


Holiday Activities 

Minecraft Melting Bead Bees

Tuesday 2 April, 11am-3pm

Love getting creative? Join us to create Minecraft inspired melting bead bees to decorate our Youth Hive. 


Games Afternoon 

Wednesday 3 April, 1pm-4pm 

Enjoy board games? So do we! Come and hang out and learn a new game, or teach us one of your favourites.


Henna Tattoos 

Thursday 4 April, 1-4pm 

Visit us for a FREE tattoo. Come in for your temporary masterpiece.


Special Effects Make-Up Workshop

Thursday 4 April, 1-4pm 

Come and see a demonstration of movie make up being applied by a real movie make-up artist and then learn how to make your own prosthetic ‘wound’!! All materials supplied.  No skill necessary. Limited places available. Bookings essential, email:  


Crochet Fun 

Friday 5 April, 11am-3pm

Join the buzz and come along for some crochet fun! All materials supplied. No skill necessary. Drop-in anytime between 11am-3pm. Snacks provided. 


Job Skills

Monday 8 April, 11am-12pm and 1pm-2pm 

Looking for work? Need a resume? Want some job interview tips? Join one of the two interactive sessions being run by the Swinburn Skills and Jobs Centre accompanied by access to amazing virtual reality headsets to see behind the scenes of a range of workplaces.


Sporting Young Leaders

Tuesday 9 April, 9.30am-3.30pm 

A hands-on personal development program focussing on building leadership skills in young women, aged 14-18 years, who are members of sporting clubs in Knox.  Topics include, leadership skills & discussion, advocacy, goal setting and more. Lunch and snacks provided. Nominate yourself or chat to your club:


Minute to Win It

Tuesday 9 April, 2pm-4pm

Fancy yourself adept at beating the clock? Come down and challenge yourself to some fun minute-to-win-it style games. You never know – you might win yourself some fun prizes. 


Celebrate Diversity

Wednesday 10 April, 1pm-4pm 

Join us for a vibrant and inclusive school holiday extravaganza! Celebrate diversity and creativity with LGBTQIA+ themed activities, from crafting colourful friendship bracelets to decorating delicious cupcakes. Dive into badge making, storytelling, and more. Everyone is welcome in this hive of fun.


Framed Paw-traits

Thursday 11 April, 1pm-3pm 

Come and create an animal themed portrait to stick inside a custom photo frame.Use pencils, paper, markers and paint to make your animal portrait before sticking it inside a photo frame that you can paint and decorate. At the end of the workshop you can take home your finished piece to display anywhere you like. All supplies are provided on the day.


“Chilled Out Friday”

Friday 12 April, 11am-3pm

Come and chill out in the comfy hang out space! Join us to make some relaxing glitter jars and/or enjoy some mindful colouring, board games, chats and snacks! Drop-in anytime between 11am-3pmTop of Form

Youth Support Services 

headspace: visit to find your nearest centre or call headspace on 

1800 650 890.

Kids Helpline: 

1800 55 1800 or 


SANE Australia: 1800 187 263 or

National 24/7 crisis services 

Lifeline:13 11 14 or 

EACH Community Health: 1300 003 224  

Knox Youth Services: 9298 8469  


Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or 



1300 224 636 or


Student Wellbeing Team



Ashleigh Bibby - Leader of Wellbeing

Guiseppe Relia – Wellbeing Counsellor 

Talea-Jane Simpson – Wellbeing Counsellor

Sanela Avdic - Wellbeing Counsellor

Lea Marrison - Mental Health Practitioner

Tajinder Wulff - Mental Health Practitioner