Art & Technology 

Find us on Instagram: wantirnacollege_artsandtech

Year 8 Textiles - Soft Toy Design Task

Every Year 7 and 8 Technology student undertakes a 'Design Task' as their major project for the term. In Year 8 Textiles, students are given the task of designing a soft toy creation! Students brainstorm possible designs, fabrics, embellishments, and stitches and then create several annotated sketches before they decide on which one to create for the end user or recipient of their ‘product’. This term we saw the creation of many fabulous soft toys in 8S: dinosaurs, trucks, turtles, tube men, ghosts, owls and even a solar system complete with the planets! 

Students worked diligently and patiently while learning new skills in this class and it was also a great opportunity to put away the laptops and exercise books and focus on their fine motor and dexterity skills. Well done 8S, your soft toy creations are magnificent!


Joanne Steen

Art & Technology


Art & Technology Captains

Congratulations to our appointed Art and Technology captains for 2024! 


The Art and Technology department would like to congratulate and celebrate our amazing art captains of 2024, Sienna Reese, Nadia Zarmanian, Gabi Leitch and Yini Chen.


A huge congratulations to each of our Captains and their remarkable achievement! We are excited for the opportunities to collaborate and see them grow into leaders that will nurture our College with their passion for Art and Technology. Here’s a snapshot of what some of our captains are looking forward to this year:

Sienna Reese - I'm really looking forward to the Art & Technology Showcase and get to be a part of the team that work, plan and put it all together. Additionally, I can't wait to get further involved with the Art & Tech Learning Area and communicate some of my ideas to the fantastic staff!

Nadia Zarmanian - I am really looking forward to being a part of the school community, as well as being able to run/assist with fun activities and events. I am also looking excited to use my passion for art and technology to help the school in a positive way.

Gabi Leitch - As an Art/ Technology captain, I am really looking forward to being able to help plan and run events at school. The Discovery Night was heaps of fun and running art activities for students and families was a really awesome experience. I am very excited to participate in similar events and continue to work with staff and students to make sure that everyone has the best time possible in our Art and Technology classes.

Yini Chen - I’m Yini Chen, I’m in year 8 and it is my second year at Wantirna College, this year I am extremely looking forward to the Art and Technology showcase in which I get the opportunity to express leadership skill by assisting all the lovely people of the school. Discovery night is also a great place for the Art and Tech Captains to be able to work with future students and parents which will improve social skills. I am really looking forward to spending more time with the Art and Tech team this year. 


Congratulations once again and we hope your role as an Art and Technology captain will be fulfilling as it is rewarding!



Claire Baillie & Vicki Rumble

Co- Leaders of Art & Technology