Year 1 News

Sow And Grow Neighbourhood

We hope you had a wonderful break filled with lots of fun and relaxation. It's been so exciting to see all the children’s smiling faces again as we dive headfirst into Term 2! 


This term, we are ready to embark on another thrilling adventure as we delve into our next Unit of Inquiry: "How we Organise Ourselves." We're about to uncover the mysteries behind the processes that food goes through before it reaches our plates. From farm to fork, we'll explore the journey of food production and discover the incredible teamwork and organisation involved in making sure we have delicious meals to enjoy.  

We're thrilled to share some exciting updates from our Year One students' "Sow and Grow Neighbourhood" activity. It's been a whirlwind of exploration, discovery, and, of course, plenty of fun! The students thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on activity of creating their house front, collecting their soil, planting their grass seeds and watering their gardens! 

But what's a neighbourhood without a bit of drama? Our young gardeners soon found themselves faced with intriguing questions and puzzling predicaments. What would happen if one house didn't receive sunlight? Would the grass still grow tall and strong? And what about water—could a parched plot of land still flourish in the absence of this vital resource? 


In addition to their hands-on gardening adventures, our students have been exploring mathematical concepts such as odd and even numbers and measuring using formal and informal units. By examining the organisation of house numbers in our neighbourhood, discovering the length of their grass, they've been sharpening their math skills while making real-world connections. 

Battle Of The Burgers

In our Year One classrooms, we've kicked off the Battle of the Burgers, a fascinating experiment comparing the longevity of a homemade burger to one from McDonald's. 


Over the next six weeks, we'll eagerly await the results, particularly curious about what changes will occur, if any to the burgers! The students have made some interesting predictions and theories about what may occur! 


Excitement filled the air among the students as they tried to solve a puzzling mystery. Someone had taken a bite out of the week-old homemade burger, left unattended. They wondered who could have done it and what might happen if the burger had gone bad?


Some suspected Mrs. Smith, who had not long returned from holidays, but the truth turned out to be much more surprising—it was the ever-risk-taking Mr. Ross!


Stay tuned as our young scientists embark on this intriguing culinary exploration!