Prep News

Easter Buddy Activity

It was so wonderful to be able to meet with our Year 5 buddies for some Easter craft at the end of Term 1! 


Prep A

Prep B


The Prep children all had a lot of fun decorating and making bunny ears and Easter baskets. The Easter activities were made even more special by having the Year 5 buddies help the Preps with all the tricky bits! The bunny ears made a special appearance at Term 1's final assembly. 


Prep C



Show and Tell

The Prep children have all thoroughly enjoyed bringing in a special item from home to share with their class as part of Show and Tell. 


Show and Tell is a valuable introduction to public speaking, equally important is the listening component, where the Preps are encouraged to listen carefully and ask appropriate questions. So far, the Preps have been asked to bring in something from home. 


We find that by speaking about something familiar, children feel more confident when speaking in front of the class. This Term, we will have been asking the Preps to bring in items related to our Unit of Inquiry.