Our 2024 School Leaders

Beaumaris North Primary School provides students with the opportunity to develop the personal skills required to undertake leadership roles as outlined in the Victorian Curriculum


Our School & Vice Captains

All Year 6 students are leaders at BNPS. They are expected to uphold the school values and be positive role models to the younger students. Leadership roles are held in very high regard. 


Our 2024 captains and monitors were announced at a special assembly and presented with their badges. Congratulations to all recipients!


We are very pleased to announce the BNPS Leaders for 2024.


School Captains

Xavier A & Ava T

Vice Captains

Isabelle H, Elm U, Cooper SC, Xavier W



House Captains


Joseph V, Harry W, Kirsten C, Alex D



Jarvis W, Callum K, Madi H, Nicola H



Connor D, Ella-Rose F, Lalia D, Ella G


Zac B, Jimmy C, Estelle R, Ava B



Art Captains

Harriet D, Ebony G, Charlie P, Finn C


eSmart Captains

Lucas K, Timmy S



First Aid Monitors

Astrid B, Emily P


Library Captains

Grace W, Josh S



Music Captains

David S, Heidi N

SAT Captains Year 6

Harry F, Samuel R, Ellie A, Hannah P



SAT Captains Year 5

William H, Griffin G, Harvey G


SAT Captains Year 4

Jacob R, Evelyn F, Johanna A


SAT Captains Year 3

Emily D, Liam A, Arabella H


Sustainability Captains

Edith L, Madi M


Wellbeing Captains

April M, Grace B, Ava N (absent)