
Japanese news


  にほんご ニュース Japanese news  


The PYP decoration at the entrance. 


Koji sensei, Momo sensei and some of Year 5 students made a おおきい (huge) PYP decoration for guests who visit BNPS, and they learn about the PYP programme. It is a shape of a Japanese さくらSakura cherry tree and it illustrates and indicates the PYP Essential Agreement, Central idea (Lines of inquiry), Transdisciplinary themes, Key concepts both in English and Japanese with sample pictures of PYP learner profile attributes! 


にほんご の 勉強(KIDS IN ACTION in Japanese room)  



Year 5 students have designed and made classroom signages. They spelled the names of the rooms in Japanese. 


You will find them on a door of each classroom as well as special rooms such as School principal’s office and main office. 





Year 6 students have been enjoying various hiragana (Japanese alphabets) activities! They have also played a Japanese board game called ‘Othello’ with Momo sensei!  




にほんごの べんきょうは たのしいね!(Learning Japanese is fun!)  


こうじせんせい Koji sensei   (^O^)/