Friday 15th March 2024
If your child achieves something special (grand final win, most valuable player award, best and fairest etc.), please email me ( through photos and an overview of the achievement to post in Contact. It is important to celebrate and recognise such successes with the school community.
Thank you,
Jordan Daley
It is great to have both the Recital Choir and the Training Choir rehearsing so well and starting Tuesday and Thursday mornings so beautifully with their singing. The Training Choir has been learning how to sing rounds and some fun warm ups. The Choir will soon start to learn some repertoire that it will perform at an Assembly next term. The Training Choir consists of a lovely group of singers and there is room for a few extra students if any Grade 3 student would like to come and trial it. The Training Choir rehearses before school on Thursday mornings at 8.00a.m. in the Music Room. The students learn how to sing rounds, partner songs, warm ups and a repertoire of songs that they will perform at the Music Festival and at an Assembly.
The Recital Choir is learning repertoire in preparation for 2 performances next term. Please put the following dates in your diary.
- Salvation Army Performance - Friday 3rd May at 1.45 - 2.30p.m. at the Briar Hill Salvation Army.
- Choral at Montsalvat Festival - Sunday 5th May at Montsalvat in Eltham. The performance is from 12.00 - 12.40p.m. Students will need to be at the venue for a warm up rehearsal at 10.45a.m.
The students will be wearing their Choir uniforms for the Montsalvat Performance. In order to get these organized, there will be a Uniform Working Bee on Saturday 23rd March from 10.00a.m. - 12.00p.m. in the Music Room at school. I would really appreciate the assistance of 4 or 5 parents please. If you are able to assist in assembling the uniforms for each student, please email me
Kind regards
Kate Stewart
Excursions & Incursion Permission Forms
Excursions and incursions certainly offer our students rich and engaging learning opportunities. They are also often some of the most memorable events and experiences students remember during their time at our school. They are also a significant load for our staff to organise and run.
As such we need your support in finalising permissions and any associated payments at least 48 hours prior to the event.
This allows time for staff to make final checks on numbers and print out all the required paperwork and handbooks. These include the emergency contact details of those that attend so that in the case of an emergency we can ensure we have everything we need. These handbooks are printed and distributed to all staff attending and a copy is also left at the school office. Our staff need to complete this on the day before the event to minimise all the other requirements needed to do on the day itself.
This process will be strictly enforced. We will be unable to make telephone calls home on the morning of an event to follow up any missing permissions. If you are having trouble accessing Compass, need a hard copy of a permission form or require support to make a payment please contact the office. We do not want any students to miss out on these opportunities and will do everything to support you prior to the day to ensure that everything is organized as it should be.
Parent Helper Induction
Parent inductions are available online via our website:, please go to Forms and Notices / Parent Helpers. Here you will find an Induction Video to watch. The following documents will need to be read, signed and returned to the office along with a copy of your Working with Children Check. These pages are also available from the office if you do not have access to a printer.
Please enter student absences on Compass, rather than emailing the teacher.
If your child is not present in class and we have no explanation, then an email will automatically be sent to all family members at 10am. If you receive an email, it is important that you explain their absence ASAP. If your child is going to be away for a full day or more, please notify the school by entering the absence on Compass, rather than email the teacher. You can do this easily in Compass.
If your child is going to be absent for a family holiday or other long period of time, an email should be sent requesting this leave to James Penson prior to the event:
Student Arrival/Departure
If you need to collect your child early for an appointment, please come to the office to sign them out. We are unable to have students waiting in the office, so please allow time to sign out and collect from the classroom (the office will advise if they are in a Specialist class). Please collect your child before or after recess and lunch times as they may not hear the announcements during these times.
If your child arrives at school after 9.00am (after the morning bell has finished) you must come to the office with them to be signed in for a late pass. Please do not send students straight to their classroom after 9.00am.
If you have any questions at any time about the above information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Office Team.
On Wednesday 27th March 2024 we will be having our Easter Special. This is a hot cross bun and a milk for $4 and will be delivered to the classrooms by recess. If you wish for your child/ren to participate orders must be in by the end of Wednesday 20th March 2024."
If you have a spare hour on a Wed, Thurs or Fri between 1pm and 2pm, come along and help in the canteen. There is no food preparation involved, it's very simple and the kids love seeing parents there!
You need to have completed the Volunteer Induction, and sign up through CareBookings - - access code is JGU9L.
Helpers get a canteen voucher for their kids to use for their next lunch order!
Term 1 week 7 - Presented at assembly 22nd of March, 2024.
James B | Prep AD | For putting in your best effort, especially in your writing. I love that you are challenging yourself to be the best learner you can be! Keep up the great work. |
Taskin O | Prep AW | Well done, Taskin, on the GREAT start you have made to your Prep year. I am so impressed with the level of effort you have put into practising your handwriting and to making new friends. |
Markus G | Prep SM | For always showing our school value of RESECT. I love the way you always use your manners and speak to your classmaes so kindly. Keep up the great work! |
Amelia R | Prep SO | For demonstrating growing confidence and grit in getting ready to learn each day. It is wonderful to see you put your bag away, reader bag into the tub and organise your lunch box and drink bottle. You need to feel super proud of your efforts - this is your super power! Top Job. |
Anjana J | 1BH | For always showing GRIT and never giving up even when things are a bit challenging. Thank you for being a respectful member of 1BH. We are so lucky to have you!. |
Presley | 1JR | Presley, I've been so impressed with your effort and respect in the classroom. You are always asking for help when needed and giving challenges a go. Well done on being such an amazing learner. Keep it up! |
Jasmine B | 1KO | For challenging yourself to always show GRIT with your learning, especially when breaking up your words into sound parts when reading. We love how much effort you are putting in Jas. Keep up the wonderful effort superstar! |
Albert | 2IH | For the effort you have been putting into your learning. I love the way you have been trying your hardest to concentrate on the floor. |
Musa K | 2LO | For putting in your best effort during our lessons on capacity. Musa, you are always trying your best and eager to learn new things, keep it up superstar! |
Billy B | 2LR | For being focussed when you are working and joining in on our class learning. You are also clued into what is happening in the classroom and you help with so many things. Congratulations! |
Lincoln L | 3JC | For being a wonderful mathematician. I am so proud of the way you have been using your knowledge of numbers to skip count. In each maths lesson you put in lots of effort and demonstrate grit. You are a maths superstar! |
Lachy P | 3RM | For showing GRIT and determination to give everything a go even when things are hard and difficult with a broken arm. Lachy you never complain and strive to be your best by giving 100% effort. I am so proud of you! Congratulations on being a GREAT kid! |
Fabian C | 4DS | Your excellent decision-making is truly commendable and greatly enhances your learning journey. Well done, Fabian! |
London K | 4SM | Congratulations on your remarkable dedication, self-motivation, and constant respectfulness. Your drive to push yourself to be your best is truly inspiring! |
Kaiden | 4TW | Well done Kaiden on an awesome start to year 4. I love that you try your hardest with everything we do. Keep up this great work. |
Isaac A | 5BC | Isaac always displays respect and treats all of his peers with kindness. Thanks for making 5BC a GREAT place to be! |
Harriet 1KO | Music | For being so focussed when learning about the piece 'Fossils'. You listened so well and gave some excellent responses. |