Parent & Friends

P&F Fundraiser Event: Three Story Treehouse Family Photography Sessions

Its been two years since our last Family Photography Sessions were offered. This year Lizzy from Three Story Treehouse Photography will be offering photography sessions on 19 May 2024. (Perhaps a nice Mothers Day gift). 


See link below for more information and how to book your time slot. If weather is nice this will be an outdoor shoot, held in the school grounds. 


We look forward to seeing you there.


SJB 2024 Trivia Night - Bought your Ticket yet?

Lawn Mowing

We thank our St Joseph's families for keeping our grounds beautiful.


April Lawn Mowing Team

Byron HOLT

Stewart CRIPPS





If you are interested in joining the Lawn Mowing Crew, please click on the link to our online volunteer form.


Andrew Renwick

Mobile: 04111 04161