From Our School Leaders

Fantastic Term
It has been a fabulous term at Scoresby PS. Thank you to our staff and students for making it so terrific. We have had a very busy term with lots of wonderful things happening including the introduction of Rainbow Maths, the Write 2 Read Phonics approach, Scoresby Superstars, incursions and excursions, Kaboom Tabloid Sports, and our own Twilight Sports. There has also been Harmony Week and a terrific working bee.
Our Foundation students have all settled into school life and are enjoying their new learning and time with their buddies.
With NAPLAN testing being so early in the year, there was a fair bit to get on with in the first half of the term for our senior classes. NAPLAN preparation is necessary in terms of understanding the types of questions that will be asked (often multiple choice), exploring the types and styles of writing required for assessment, and checking that students know and are able to manage the time limits on all NAPLAN tests, so they need to practise writing and answering questions under time limits.
Finally we would like to wish Sue a fantastic break as she jets off to Europe next term and we wish Nic and Kellie all the best in stepping up into their new roles.
Monitoring Attendance
The Department of Education (DE) is focussing on school attendance again this year. Attendance is a marker used by DE for student outcomes, engagement and wellbeing. DE is asking schools to closely monitor student attendance and raise concerns with families about consistent absences.
We do not want sick children at school, and encourage you to keep your child at home if they are very unwell. On the other hand, we are finding some children are missing many days of school, and are not that unwell.
Please give consideration when deciding if your child should miss a day of school. One day is fine, but we have a few students who have missed more than 5 days this term; that’s a week of learning. Any day of absence puts students behind.
Enrolments For 2025
This year, our school will use an online system for new enrolments to Victorian government schools called VicStudents.
VicStudents will be available for students who are enrolling in a Victorian Government School for the first time. This includes Foundation (Prep) enrolments for 2025. An application form will be able to be completed on laptops, PC’s and mobile phones. The online system will also allow you to upload documented proof of residential address.
Victorian government school enrolments for Foundation (Prep) for the 2025 school year will open from Monday 15 April 2024, the start of Term 2. Families are asked to submit enrolment applications by Friday 26 July 2024. The link to apply for a place online at this school will be available on this site from the beginning of Term 2 (April 15).
VicStudents has been assessed by the Department of Education to a high degree of security in line with the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards and is compliant with ISO 27001, the leading international standard for information security.
School Fees For 2024
Thank you to the families that have paid their school fees, or those who have set up a payment plan.
Schools purchase stationery, classroom equipment and programs at the end of each year, and most of these costs are covered by our school fees. No child in public schooling misses out on these items, and the parent contribution of school fees greatly assists us in covering this expenditure.
Please see Tina or Sue if you would like to discuss school fees and payment plans.
Swimming For Foundation-Year 4 Next Term
Our annual Foundation-Year 4 Swimming Program starts next term. Between School Photo Day (Wednesday 17th April), ANZAC Day (Thursday 25th of April) and Curriculum Day (Friday 26th April), we are able to squeeze in a 7-day swimming program.
For students in grades 3/4S and 3/4H, this will mean leaving school before 9.00am, so students in those classes need to be at school by 8.30am for the first 2 weeks of Term 2. Thank you in advance for your support with this.
Happy Easter!
We wish our students, staff and families a very happy Easter. We hope the Easter Bunny finds everyone! We’ve had some lovely egg hunts at school this week led by our school leaders.
Wishing everyone a relaxing Term 1 break. School resumes on Monday 15th April.
Scoresby Primary School Leaders