Term 1 Academic Excellence Awards...Presented 28/3/24

Jayden W. - 00M
For the outstanding progress he has made in all areas of Literacy, especially reading.
Hendrix B. - 1/2H
The academic award goes to Hendrix for his consistent determination in applying himself in Maths, particularly in our recent place value unit. He loves to extend and challenge himself, especially when dealing with numbers beyond the thousands. A fantastic effort, Hendrix! I cannot wait to see what you can accomplish in Maths this year.
Christopher C. - 1/2K
The academic award goes to Christopher for his excellent determination to be a great writer. He has enjoyed learning new strategies to improve his narrative writing, like using bold beginnings and talking marks when a character speaks. Keep up the great attitude Christopher!
Kanish M. - 3/4F
Kanish is receiving this award for the great progress she has made in her writing. She listens well in class and always returns to her table and diligently gets on with the task ahead. Kanish produces interesting ideas for her writing and consistently creates written pieces that are well organised. She is to be commended on her achievements in writing this term.
Jordyn A. - 3/4H
This award is presented to Jordan in recognition of his commitment to his learning, particularly in Mathematics. This term, Jordan has shown a strong eagerness to acquire new strategies and accept new challenges. Jordan, your enthusiasm and dedication to your learning is commendable! Keep up the excellent work!
Jessica D. - 3/4S
Literacy and Numeracy
This academic award goes to Jessica Dhillon. Jess has demonstrated many positive qualities that contribute to her being a life-long learner. She listens attentively to lessons, participates in discussions and eagerly answers questions. Jess begins all work promptly and works to the best of her ability in all areas. Congratulations Jess.
Sam B. - 5/6H
Literacy and Numeracy
For his tremendous efforts inside and outside of school. Your hard work is reflected in your growth in Writing and Maths. Wonderful work Sam!
Sosefina A. - 5/6S
Sosefina is receiving the 5/6S Term 1 Academic Award for her fantastic progression in Literacy.
Dante K. - 5/6W
The 5/6W Academic Award for this term goes to Dante for his improvement in Writing.