
"Bee on the Team" STEM Expo

It is our absolute pleasure to invite you to our STEM Expo. 

This inaugural event is an opportunity for the students to showcase their learning from their Term 1 Design Technology class. 


They have been working tirelessly to design, develop and create boats, sustainable houses, even turbines! The students cannot wait to tell you all about their learning at this event. 


On the day, please enter via the main office, sign our “Bee on the Team” guest book and head to your child(rens) learning space(s) to hear all about their learning. Each child will greet their guests and take them to their expo zone and explain and discuss their learning with their guests! Please feel free to explore the expo zones throughout the whole school. 


Date: Wednesday 27th March, 2024 

Time: 8:45am - 9:45am 


Venues and exhibitions: 

Year 6 LEGO models and posters - Josephinum 

Year 5 Turbine/fountain models and posters - Josephinum 

MLC Sustainable house models and posters - Concrete Quadrangle 

JLC Windsock, wind wheel, paper plane and wind racer - Grass area near Pirate ship 

FLC Push and pull, sink or float (boats) and what is wind poster - Quiet Room 


We look forward to seeing you onsite at the “Bee on the Team STEM Expo” 

Thank you for supporting your students' education.


LOTE - Italian 'Buon San Giuseppe !' (Happy Saint Joseph's Day)

During Italian lessons the children have been learning how they celebrate St. Joseph's Day in Italy. On Tuesday, we gathered as a school and the students and staff were treated to some zeppole, a deep-fried donut. While traditionally they are a sweet dough filled with custard, ricotta, or chocolate, and topped with powdered sugar, more custard, and a cherry, we enjoyed the savoury variety. There are many different variations and flavours of zeppole made today.


Most people believe St. Joseph himself began the zeppole craze - there are actually two different theories! 

One of the theories claims that after St. Joseph fled to Egypt with Mary and Jesus, he started to sell pancakes to provide for his family, therefore, tying sweets and desserts like zeppoles to his name. 

The other mentions he was a saint of carpenters and craftsmen, and there was the “Carpenter’s Feast,” where wooden toys were sold for children to enjoy. Once St. Joseph’s Day became Father’s Day in Italy, the roles reversed, and the children gave their father’s a gift. 

If your name is Joseph or Josephine, you will also be celebrating your “onomastico.” An onomastico honors your “name,” and St. Happy name day Joseph Raco.