Senior Learning Community

How the term has flown. As term one comes to a close we would like to remind SLC that they still need a hat for the last week of school and they should still be bringing water to school to stay hydrated. Particularly on PE days when they are active.


Next term we'll be creating Dioramas as part of our Humanities unit. 

If you have any of these items at home could they please be brought in as soon as you can. We are happy to store them at school until required.


Shoe Boxes - Important - Please

Any old products that could be used as art pieces. Buttons, string etc. 


Please get in touch if you have any questions. 


Library Books

Students should regularly bring library books home to read. Please encourage your child to borrow each week as we have a wide collection of books to suit all interests in our library. At school we work on reading to each other and independent reading.