Foundation Learning Community

We cannot believe that we are nearly at the end of Term 1. The children have had an amazing 8 weeks of learning, making friends and more importantly having FUN!


This week we had our annual Teddy Bear's Picnic. The children completed some Teddy Bear activities, played with their teddies at school and over at Mivo Park where we got to share our lunch together. This was such a special day to celebrate finishing this term. 


For Literacy this week we have started a program called Story Champs which helps teach the children how to retell a story with correct story structure. We have also begun our first Text Based Unit, 'Where is the Green Sheep?'. 


Text based units help develop students' background knowledge, increase their vocabulary and assist them in comprehending high quality picture story books. You could ask your child what they have learnt about sheep, this week.

Your child will begin bringing home partner practise sheets that have 3 letter words on them - these are called CVC words. Your child can use their 'chop and slide' strategy to read these words. They can also write these words by stretching them out and using their 'sound fingers'.


We will also begin adding 'Heart words' to your child's key rings. These words need to be known in our heart as they have tricky parts in them. 


In Maths we have been learning all about 2D shapes. Your child might like to find these shapes around the house.


Next week, we will be performing the Palm Sunday story during our Holy Week Assembly and Liturgy on Thursday morning. We would love to see you there. 


Thank you for all your support in what has been a busy but amazing first term of school.