
Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French

The Arts

Performing Arts


Grade 5 and 6 have been exploring the effect of music in films, and discovering all the things composers do to help us feel those feels!



Grade 3 and 4 have been learning about music notation, and where the notes sit on the music staff. We've also been exploring some songs and dances from far across the sea!



Students in the junior school have been making soundscapes - telling stories with musical instruments. We've had drums for popping balloons, maracas for sandy beaches and xylophones for things way up in the sky!


Visual Arts


Grade 5 and 6 have been creating colourful pixilated characters. Look out for them - they may appear at Open night!



Grade 3/4 have been looking at the strange and wonderful work of Pablo Picasso, and making animals in Picasso style.



In the junior school, we are seeing some beautiful autumn Family Trees. Each leave tells us about someone that we love!



5/6A have made a great start in the garden. Looking after our chickens and weeding, clearing and preparing the garden for further planting.


P-2 students are investigating our Bee Bots and the world of coding.



  • French Club: Jasmine and Bella, our French captains, are doing an amazing work to offer a variety of activities in the French Club! At the end of last Term, they prepared two quizzes, one for the Junior grades and one for the Senior ones. It was a lot of fun for the students who joined and the winners received a small prize.
  • Grades 3/4:
    At the end of last term, we were very lucky to have the visit, at Weeden, of one of my best friend's daughter. Elise is in her third year of University in France and she is travelling overseas for a year, as part of her curriculum. After spending 6 months in Chili, she is now in Australia until June. She is working for an organisation which raises awareness of the pollution of our precious oceans by plastic and which explains ways to reduce it. She just spent three weeks at my home (she is based near Sydney for 6 months) and was very happy to come and meet our students. I used this opportunity to change plans for my French lesson that day. Together, we decided to teach the Grade 3/4 students some onomatopoeia that are commonly used in the French language. Unfortunately, we forgot to record this funny lesson but I attach for you the video we based our lesson on. 

    For those of you who think that it is a cliché to say that the French say 'Oh la la' all the time,  please watch this video :-)!!
  • Grades 5/6:
    The lesson we did with Elise was different in Grades 5/6. The two of us had a short conversation in French in front of the students . Then we asked them to fill in the missing words in the script. Why don't you have a go too and see how much French you can understand from the conversation ...