A Word from the Principal 

Ms Kylie Campbell

A Warm Welcome to our Weeden Heights Community

A warm welcome to our community


Welcome back to term two!  I hope that you all had a fabulous break over Easter and got to spend some special time as a family and with your friends.  We have had a wonderful start to term two and the students have settled back into their learning well. 


We have also finally started to move back down into the newly refurbished administration area.  The removalists came last Friday while the students were down at Cross Country. It is nice to be in a dry, warm and ‘waterproof’ new office.  Please remember when you come to school to come to the new administration space.  It is exactly where the old one was but the front doors have relocated.   


I would like to congratulate our student leaders on their presentations to our classes for Anzac Day. A small ceremony was conducted over the PA this week  and a full ceremony for Remembrance Day will be conducted later on in the year.   


Remembering Anzac Day always brings a tear to my eye but it is critical that our younger generations understand the freedoms that we enjoy here in Australia are because of the sacrifices made by others. Respect for our country and our flag is reinforced clearly at assemblies.  


School Oath

Respect is one of our school values and we demonstrate this in many ways.  We observe Anzac Day and we also acknowledge this each week at assembly.  For new parents and as a reminder to others, at assembly we have a school oath that all students pledge. 


Weeden Heights Primary School Oath

I love my country, Australia.

I value peace and freedom.

I will treat all people equally

I will respectfully look after the environment.

I’m proud of my school,

And I’ll do my best to make it a friendly and caring place.



I hope this helps your child to learn the school oath.



I’m sure that you have all noticed a change in the weather! Students are now able to wear their winter uniform and they are not required to wear their hats as of May 1. They may of course choose to wear hats. Please remember that tights or leggings are not to be worn with our summer dress.  Girls are required to wear blue track pants or the tunic with dark blue tights/blue leggings & blue socks. 


Annual General Meeting 

This year our Annual General Meeting will be held at the next school council meeting on 20 May which begins at 6.30pm.   The 2023 Annual Report will be tabled and presented to the community as a part of the agenda.  It will occur towards the end of the meeting around 8pm and it will highlight our great successes for the year.  The report has already been approved and will be available on our website in the coming week. 


If you intend to participate in the school council meeting which includes the AGM then please email the school to confirm your attendance by Wednesday 15 May.  Everyone is welcome and School Council meeting will begin promptly at 6.30pm that night. 


Prep Enrolment 2025 - Sibling Enrolments

I now require parents of current students, who have siblings that are ready to start prep in 2025 to begin the enrolment process. Siblings of students who are currently at Weeden Heights PS have a guaranteed place for Prep in 2025 however, we still need these students to enrol and follow the timelines. 


This year all schools in our network will have online enrolment forms. This includes Weeden Heights PS for the first time.  Your preschool should have made you aware of this and we will be sending out ‘how to enrol at Weeden Heights PS’ forms to preschools. 


I conduct school tours on a Wednesday morning for families interested in attending Weeden Heights PS or have already enrolled.  Please encourage your friends and neighbours to submit their enrolment forms for the 2025 Prep students to our office as they are now due.  We can assist or provide a computer for you to complete online enrolments. 


Our highly successful Bright Beginnings transition program commences on 6 September this year and we don’t want you or any future families to miss out on the opportunity. 



Until next time……

Kylie Campbell
