Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

This week, our school celebrated Harmony Week, with a focus on the theme 'Everyone Belongs'.  On Tuesday, students worked with visiting dance instructor, Sermsah, to learn about culture and create and perform three different dances.  Many thanks to the families who joined us for the end of day ceremony, along with the Kindergarten children and their teachers.  At the ceremony, students in years 4/5/6 peformed a Hip Hop style dance, to the music 'Indigenous Land' by Drmngnow. This dance told the story of connection to country and the continued fight for sovereingnty.  In the second performance, year 3/4/5, shared the story of loss and connection to spirit through their dance to the music of Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu's 'Bapa' (father). Finally, In Prep-2, the students learned and shared the dreaming story of Waa, and how Waa turned black from fire.  This dance was performed to the music 'Karak' by Kalaji.

In classes, the theme continued through a range of activities focussing on what we love about Australia, and what it means to belong through discussions and working together to create shared artworks.


Volunteers needed!
Volunteers needed!

Tomorrow is the Year 3-6 Cluster Athletics Carnival.  Many thanks to everyone who has offered their support on the day and to Jake for his assistance with marking out the course.  A reminder to participating students, to come dressed in their house colours and to bring plenty of water and snacks for the day.  We still need more volunteers to assist with the running of events on the day and helping out with the bbq, so if you can help out for some or all of the time, please let us know.  


Thank you also to the many families who have placed an order for the sports day BBQ, and to everyone who has placed a Bakery lunch order for next week.  As well as providing students with a special lunch, your support is helping to raise funds for the Year 5/6 Wilsons Prom Camp.  A big thank you to Kiona and Jake from the Bakery, and the Tawonga South Butchers for their support.


Our Easter Raffle is now underway and, on Friday, families were given raffle tickets sell.  All tickets and money need to be returned to school by Tuesday 26th March, in time for the draw on Wednesday, 27th March.  A  big thank you to our sponsors: Jude and Heath Matheson for donating the grand prize of a trailer load of wood, and to Foodworks, Sassy Road, Grass Valley, Gather and Harvest, Mountain Monk, Snowflake Gin, Alpine Outfitters, and Honeybird Coffee for their donations to our hampers.

Many thanks also to Settlers Tavern, who have offered the following ticket selling incentives to our students!

  • 25 tickets sold - a free ice-cream
  • 50 tickets sold - a teen parmy and drink voucher
  • the most tickets sold - $100 bistro voucher

Over the weeked, 14 swimmers from the Mount Beauty Swim club, headed to Melbourne to compete in the Country Junior Championships. The two day event involves a series of heats followed by finals.  Congratulations to all students on their achievement.


State Schools Relief is now offering eligible Prep families, the opportunity to apply for a uniform package.  Families who qualify for the CSEF Camps and Excursions fund, automatically qualify for the package.  For further information, please contact the office or  visit the SSR website.


Reminder: Please finalise parent payment arrangements by the end of term.  If your family requires assistance in making these payments, please contact the office to discuss your options.  Eligible families are also encouraged to apply for the  Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund | (  Application forms can be collected from the office and need to be submitted before June 28, 2024.