T1 2024

Firstly, I’d love to say a BIG thank you to the people that attended the Talking Neurodivergence chat this Wednesday. It was so lovely to see a couple of new faces and hear insight into what they feel would benefit their children. These catchups will continue to be held in Week 3 and 8 of each term - I hope to meet many more of you then…


We were fortunate to have Erin Anear, who is head of the Inclusive Education Team at SIES and as one small part of her role, oversees the Autism Inclusion Teachers. She will be sharing the group’s thoughts and ideas about making learning environments more inclusive with her team and the Minister for Education. If you are keen to share your thoughts on this, but weren’t able to attend, please email me ( and we can organise a time to meet either in person or via phone. The more we share our thoughts and ideas, the more we can start knocking down barriers for our neurodivergent young people.


Below is another way that you can share your ideas and be a part of change ➡


South Australia’s first Autism Strategy 2024-2029 – Draft


What's being decided?


The South Australian Government has made a firm commitment to our Autistic and autism communities.


The State Autism Strategy, led by the Department of Human Services, will be the first of its kind to be delivered and implemented in South Australia. It sets the government's commitment to improving the lives of Autistic people of all ages and their families over the next five years.


We invite you to provide your feedback on the draft State Autism Strategy 2024-2029, to support a dedicated whole-of-government approach to create a fairer and more inclusive society.


Cass Humphrey

HEPS Autism Inclusion Teacher