Student Awards  - Term 1


"Growing Together  "


FOUNDATION B - Aiden V for  growing his maths skills while working on our new Matific program at home. Amazing work Aidan

FOUNDATION B - Zia S for Co operating with her classmates and working hard in class time.


FOUNDATION G - Paxton Q for showing enthusiasm with his readers and using Matific to consolidate his learning. Well done, Paxton! 

FOUNDATION G - Aleah J for always helping her peers and for spreading kindness to all those around her. Well done, Aleah!


FOUNDATION L - Henri H for cooperating respectfully with his partner to complete Maths tasks. 

FOUNDATION L - Tanvir S for kindly offering to assist his classmates and teachers when they need a helping hand.


YEAR 1/2E - Aria L for showing focus and commitment to completing a task when working in a pair or small group. 

YEAR 1/2E -  Alena A for being a friendly and kind classmates who always tries to help her peers both in the classroom and on the playground. 


YEAR 1/2PH - Jason D for listening carefully to instructions during class discussions.

YEAR 1/2PH - Isabella L for working together with others to put the class timetable in order for the next day.


YEAR 1/2J - Eden S for the way in which she consistently adheres to classroom rules and sets a strong example of behaviour for her peers. Your kindness and initiative have not gone unnoticed! 

YEAR 1/2J - Chloe F for being a bubbly, friendly, helpful and kind 1/2J student who warms the hearts of everyone who is around her. 


YEAR 1/2K -  Grace N for offering clever and creative ideas that improved your groups outcome in Inquiry lessons. 

YEAR 1/2K -  Mila B for showing commitment and perseverance when working in small groups for reading. You are making great progress! 


YEAR 1/2M - Aishe G for always being a kind and committed team member during group activities. 

YEAR 1/2M - Haydn L for always being enthusiastic about working with a team and being a committed team member. 


YEAR 1/2FM - Yasmin D for extending herself during writing activities and contributing her own ideas. Well done!

YEAR 1/2FM - Alexia T for sharing her ideas in classroom discussions. Excellent effort Alexia!


YEAR 3/4B - Tristan D for showing such a relaxed and open mindset when approaching his Naplan assessments. Keep shining Tristan! 

YEAR 3/4B - Keegan N for taking on the roll of SRC with such gumption and conscienciousness. Well done Keegan!

YEAR 3/4B - Ethan D for switching onto his learning with a fresh and open mindset this week! Keep it up Ethan!


YEAR 3/4C - Hieu H for being a respectful, helpful and caring class member. Thank you Hieu!



YEAR 3/4S-  Jayden L for the way he works with others to achieve a common goal and shows co-operation when working in whole class activities. Thank you Jayden!

YEAR 3/4S-  David N for the positive way he interacts with his peers, sharing his enthusiasm and always giving things a go! Thank you David!


YEAR 3/4KC- Bailey R for his friendly, cooperative and enthusiatic manner when working with his classmates and teachers to help build a happy learning environment. 

YEAR 3/4KC-  Alita K for growing in confidence, both in and out of the classroom. Keep it up Alita!


YEAR 3/4M - Jaxson K for a great Term 1. You have shown that you are a respectful member of 3/4M and a respectful learner. Keep up the wonderful work in Term 2.

YEAR 3/4M - Jonathan N for consistently focusing and working hard on his Inquiry project.


YEAR 5/6K -  Ethan L for being a natural leader of the class, encouraging everyone to do their best, whilst giving your best. Well done on being such a supportive member of the class. 

YEAR 5/6K - Miria M for working with others and trying your absolute best in class. For showing your bright personality and guiding your peers even when tasks are difficult. Well done, Miria. 



YEAR 5/6MV - Alan T for always sharing your fun facts with the class. Thankyou Alan for your positive energy you bring to every lesson.



YEAR 5/6R - Samuel V for his positive attitude and encouragement during interschool sport. Well done supporting your team mates each week. 



YEAR 5/6S - George E for consistently cheering on his classmates and celebrating their success. Thank you for helping to create a caring environment in our 56S classroom 😀 

YEAR 5/6S - Kiara W for displaying a positive attitude to all her learning and bringing a spirit of joy to our classroom. Thank you for helping to enrich our learning community.😊


YEAR 5/6P - Nicholas K for the positive and organised approach he has brought to his learning. Keep it up Nick! 

YEAR 5/6P - Alannah K for her openness and willingness to sharing her ideas and asking questions during class. Keep it up Alannah!

YEAR 5/6P - Isabella D for the confident manner in which she engages in her learning. Keep it up Isabella!

YEAR 5/6P - Elena V for the genuine care that she shows towards her fellow students. Keep it up Elena!