Sports News 

National Ride 2 School Day:

National Ride2School Day is Australia’s biggest celebration of active travel and one of the best days on the school calendar. It is a day full of fun and colour where students, teachers and parents discover the joy of riding and kick-start healthy habits for the future. 


Congratulations to all the following students for participating in National Ride2School Day

and demonstrating a commitment to active travel.

- Daisy 

- Makayla 

- Adam 

- Conor 

- Norah 

- Emily C

- Haydn 

- Jacob L

- George 

- Volkan 

- Eamon 

- Hamish 

- Zachary N 

- Natalia N

- Leo N 

- Federico 

- Kate 

- Indi

- Oliver W 

- Steryios

- Mason W

- Isabella Y 

- Ryan Y 

- Cooper 

- Elinam 


- Gigi

- Jayden S 

- Alexi 

- Sarah D 

- Zachary W 

- Lewis S 

- Kelsie P 

- Melody 

-  Georgina 

- Pravij 

- Luke H

- Teddy G 


- Sophia K

- Sophia A


- Tanvir

- Charli-Raie 

- Lucas P 

- Josie 

- Madison H

- Marcus L


The Bob Mann Basketball Academy 


Over the past few weeks we have had Bob Mann come in to teach the kids some cool basketball skills. 


The BMBA is basketball coaching program that has  several purposes. First and foremost we want to develop the abilities skill levels and basketball IQ of all our participants and provide them with a fulfilling and positive environment to participate in the sport.Secondly, we want to identify the more committed players with above-average ability. Through this, we can then provide opportunities for them to advance their level of competition. Third, we want to help educate and train coaches so they have the tools to be the best coach that they can be to their players and fourth we want to provide programs that not only “build better players but mentor better people.”.In doing all of this we intend to provide a program of excellence that will serve everybody while also attracting players with serious ambitions and goals. Whatever their standard we want to deliver a program that develops our player’s skills and abilities and knowledge of the game.For the keener participants, this program will also be providing several opportunity for players to join BMBA teams to play at varying levels of competitions. From domestic to elite representative basketball, the BMBA will be delivering for all levels of basketball. From the rawest beginner to the most elite player, the BMBA is catered to help your child get better.The BMBA is one of the most exciting undertakings in basketball and we can’t wait to get started helping you on your basketball development journey.”One a final note, for the drills we did at the clinics and even more we have a “How to” website page that you can share with your students. 

The link is below.