Easter Hat Parade

Thursday, 28th March 2024

What a fantastic afternoon we had last Thursday for our Annual Easter Hat Parade.  All of our hats were very creative.  Thank you to Mrs Gail Kelly and Mrs Allison McCarthy who came and judged our creations.  Congratulations to the winners in each year for the most creative hat:  

Kinder - Huxley & Reagan

Yr 1 - Ruby & Parker

Yr 2 - Lane & Noah

Yr 3 - Piper & Arabella

Yr 4 - Lillian S & Tyler

Yr 5 - Tailor & Montanna

Yr 6 - Alex & Haidee




The students also participated in a colouring competition that was held by the Werris Creek Sports Club.  Congratulations to:

Kinder - Harry

Yr 1- Parker

Yr 2 - Lillian F

Yr 3 - Piper

Yr 4 - Jackson

Yr 5 - Ashton

Yr 6 - Haidee