From the Teaching and Learning Deputy

Graham Buxton

Reflecting on Term 1

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already come to the end of Term 1!

It’s been a term full of excitement, energy, new challenges and new adventures for all of us, including our children. 

The end of term is an excellent, and much needed, time to regroup, relax and re-energise after all of the hard work children have been doing at school. Children (and adults) all do this in different ways, whether it’s being physically active, resting and being calm, or tackling new projects or ideas that need more time than we have during a regular week. We hope and pray that your children are able to unwind over the break in the way that suits them best.

Holidays are also a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the term and we would encourage you to take a moment this holiday break to ask your child some reflective questions about their term. Below are some suggestions that we have found may lead to really insightful conversations with your child if you get a chance to bring one or two of them up during the break.


What is something that has surprised you in your learning this term?

What is something you tried this term that you haven’t done before?

Can you think of a goal you have for next term?

What is something you are proud of achieving this term?

What makes this year at school different to last year?

Is there anything you learnt this term that we could practise more during the holidays?

What ideas did you write about in Writer’s Workshop this term?

Do you have any ideas for books you want to make in the holidays or next term?

What is your favourite genre of story to read at the moment?


We hope this is helpful and that you have a wonderful break with your children. 

Every blessing for a safe holidays!