The Week of the Book

Welcome to another update on all things library related. While Term 3 was quiet on the home front as far as events went, Term 4 has been the opposite. We have completed a CHS Reads Week of the Book which had beautiful rare and first edition books, dangerous books filled with ideas (NOOOOOO!), books that had a major influence on the path of the librarian of CHS and the all inducing horror of the week-long book challenge. There were some who considered the librarian to be pure evil with the Library Trivia Master and some who were in awe of her cleverness with the puzzle rooms (humble much?). We had the dreaded shredded book and how many books in the jar as well. 

We had an all school vote on Coburg High’s favourite book of 2023. The winner by quite a few votes was…..drumroll…..Akarnae by Lynette Noni. It came in at the number 2 spot in 2022 and jumped up to take out the crown this year.

Students who participated in the week-long challenge were vying for the amazing prize of the $50 Dymocks book voucher. The winners of the challenge were Justice O and Rose P from Year 10. Congratulations on a very well earned win.

They’re creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, they’re altogether ooky…., yes, it was the annual Halloween in the library fun. Students and some staff participated in the annual jack o’lantern carving event which was the biggest one yet! Some pumpkins were horrifying to look at while others were works of art. Here are a few images of the day.

Until next time,

Adieu from the Library.

Dianna Jarnet

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