Parent Information

We have now introduced Qkr! as the only way to purchase food from our Senior Secondary Café each Friday. (1st lunch only). It is simple and easy to use!
Please download the Qkr! App from your Apple Store or Google Play.
(Android users: please use the website, if you can't download the app (there is currently a known error with downloading it, which Commbank are working on) :
Please find attached a quick how-to-guide. (downloading and purchasing)
If you have any issues - please contact the school on 4999 0222.
Thank you for supporting our Senior Secondary Café!
AAC Awareness Month
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) this October for AAC Awareness Month
It is all of the different ways we communicate besides speaking
. When you take a moment to think about it, you use AAC quite frequently!!
There are two types of AAC:
1. Unaided communication is using your body to communicate, for example, pointing, facial expressions, gestures, & signs.
2. Aided communication uses some sort of tool or technology like a pen and paper to write a note, your phone for texting, your laptop for sending emails, picture exchange, printed core boards, & speech-generating devices (Prolo)
AAC Awareness Month 2023 Offer
Access to AAC is fundamental to our mission to make AAC an effective and accepted means of communication. To expand this access to families, individuals, and schools on a budget, various AAC apps are on offer from October 10 - 17, 2023. Please click the link to access offer.
NDIS Session
School Hours
Please be reminded our school hours are 850am-250pm.
If you arrive after 8.50am or leave before 2.50pm - Students MUST be signed in at the school office.
Please note: Students are not to be left unaccompanied at school prior to 830am, which is when staff commence duty.
Please also, where possible, avoid collecting your child during our lunch breaks. Due to staff being on duty, it is difficult to get your child to the office during this time.
Our breaks are: 10.50 - 11.20am & 1.20 - 1.50pm.
School Uniforms 2024
Wearitto has stock of our school uniforms. Their current opening hours are:
8.30am - 4.45pm Monday-Friday
9am - 11.45am Saturdays
In the lead up to the new school year they will be extending their hours to:
8.30am - 4.45pm Monday-Friday
9am - 1.45pm Saturdays
They will be open over the entire holidays with the exception of closing for Christmas on Saturday December 23rd, Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th and also Saturday 30th and Monday 1st January to bring the New Year in 🙂.
We encourage our new students for 2024 to visit Wearitto in October before the January rush as they guarantee if not washed or worn, uniforms can be taken back to be exchanged if they happen to grow over the Christmas Period right up until school starts 2024.
Post School Options Session
Book Club - Issue 7
If you would like to order Book Club - you can view the catalogue via this link. To order - you will need to download the 'Loop' app.
Book Fair- 20th November
Surprise farewell for Taxi Driver