Junior School

2024, Year 7 Literacy Session
On Saturday we welcomed next year’s Year 7s for a Literacy session at school. Whilst the students engaged in this session, families stayed for an informal Q&A session that covered everything from bell times to the way in which Eltham High School is engaging with AI. It was wonderful to meet our newest community members and we are looking forward to them being here for their Orientation Day on Tuesday December 12 this year.
Orientation Day is always a big day on the calendar for our current Year 7s who support the running of the day. Each year, students come to volunteer their time and expertise as leaders for the day. If your young person is interested in being part of this program, please encourage them to pop into Junior School to let us know. Training will be taking place from Week 9 and they will be supported by Year 10 leaders.
It's hard to believe but we are already at the point where we are planning for transition into Year 8 next year. All students will be assigned to new classes for Year 8 and the work of creating these classes has already begun with feedback from classroom teachers as the key input. The students will have a step-up day at the end of the term to meet the students in their new classes and the Middle School coordination team for Year 8.
The Year 7 Time Redemption Program has started again this week to support students' transition into Year 8 and to ensure that they finish the year strongly. Students who have been nominated to attend will see a session will see this on their Compass Dashboards and will have had a conversation with their teacher. It was great to see the students arriving promptly to finalise some of their outstanding tasks today and to work with the Junior School team to set some goals for growth.
MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader
Year 7 Sustainability Expo
The Year 7 Sustainability Expo that was held on the first Wednesday of the term after school was a fantastic way to launch Term 4 for our Year 7s. The event was the culmination of all the work of Term 3 and of the Year 7 Experience.
We were delighted to welcome so many families to the event and thank you all for your participation and support. The students loved having the opportunity to speak with interested adults about the sustainable solution that they developed to a local or global issue that they had identified. The skills of critical and creative thinking were on display throughout the Expo and many commented on the standard of the presentations from our movers and changemakers of the future.
EMMA SHELTON, Critical Inquiry Coordinator
Year 7 Humanities
Annabelle Lowe (Year 7, Everard House) has created a comic featuring the creative acts of Bunjil the Spirit Ancestor, as told by Wurundjeri elder Aunty Joy Murphy.
CAMERON LAURENCE, Humanities Teacher