Assistant Principal

Visitors to School
Link: Visitors-to-the-School-Policy.pdf (
Eltham High School strives to create an open and inclusive school community and encourages parents and carers to be actively involved in their child’s development and education. We aim to provide a safe and secure learning and teaching environment for students and staff by establishing processes to monitor and manage visitors to the school. Our policy outlines requirements for visitors to the school, such as visiting during the school’s hours of instruction, sign-in procedures and requirements for Working with Children Check cards.
We further encourage all visitors to familiarise themselves with our school’s Statement of Values, Child Safe Policy, Statement of Commitment to Child Safety, and Child Safe Code of Conduct.
Link: Attendance-Policy.pdf (
Eltham High School’s Attendance Policy outlines the shared responsibilities in promoting attendance and encouraging engagement and participation at a whole school level. We recognise that effective monitoring and early intervention, by responding quickly with offers to work in partnership with students and their families, is crucial in managing non-attendance so that patterns do not become entrenched. Students are expected to attend school during normal school hours every day of each term unless there are approved exemptions.
Eltham High School aims to ensure that all students enrolled at the school attend regularly to maximise access to learning opportunities, and outlines the processes used to monitor student attendance in our Attendance Policy accessible on our school website or the link above.
FRAN MULLINS, Assistant Principal