Outside School 

Hours Care at 

Ivanhoe Primary School


Wominjeka to OSHC at Ivanhoe Primary School!


We would like to begin by acknowledging the Wurrunjeri People of the Woi Wurrung people.   The custodians of the Birrarung Marr (Yarra River) and the land which we know, learn and play on, as Outside School Hours Care.


As the weather warms up, we notice different insects, bugs, birds and lizards becoming more active. They are busy pollinating and having babies, be careful not to step on them!

Respecting our wildlife and looking after our gardens makes us happy and is showing 'Respect to the Land - Dijilbruk.'


Birrarung is the traditional name of the Yarra River and Marr refers to the mist that sometimes settles over the Birrarung. Loosely the words are often translated to 'River of Mists.'  Yarra can also mean river, running water or hair in Wurrunjeri. Both can be long and winding, or straight and flowing.


Luckily the early settlers  didn't call our beautiful 'Yarra River', Hair Hair or Hairy River, no, instead, we called it River River! :D



The Great Australian Bird Count - Citizen Science


We hope everyone had a great first week back, here we are in week 2 and The Great Aussie Bird count starts next Monday! Time to download the App everyone for citizen science. Then we count birds and enter our data and observations into the app for Aussie scientists to record where the birds are living, To find out if they have followed the river to a new home or if they are migratory birds visiting Australian back yards.


Once you have the app, you have to pick a time of day and count how many birds you see in 20mins and enter that data. At OSHC last year we did one count at before care and one at aftercare, so early morning and early evening.  We also made a graph, it was good We are excited to be able to contribute to Citizen Science.  Don't forget though, if you do feed birds, do it very infrequently as they can destroy birdfeeders and decking etc...


At my place we don't feed the birds anymore, too many fights! Galahs' and Cockatoos are very bossy.
Gang Gang
At my home we have these Scaly Faced parrots that like hanging out with the Rainbow Lorikeets.
Butcher BIrd
Rainbow Lorikeet , along the river in Yallambie.
At my place we don't feed the birds anymore, too many fights! Galahs' and Cockatoos are very bossy.
Gang Gang
At my home we have these Scaly Faced parrots that like hanging out with the Rainbow Lorikeets.
Butcher BIrd
Rainbow Lorikeet , along the river in Yallambie.


School Fair Preparations for OSHC


Lastweek I mentioned that we are reviving, The Caravan of Curry, and are accepting donations of Basmati Rice and now also Frozen Peas, please! 


We have a big Freezer so please bring your frozen peas, please, to OSHC! 


Over the years at OSHC parents have contributed and been part of our special fund raiser. Over the coming weeks we will be asking for different ingredients that are key to our the curries. If you are able to contribute however big or small every donation will help us make the most amazing curries to sell at the fair. Rekha will be guiding us with spices, so if hot is your thing, you are in luck on Fair Day! I will supply the yogurt and water...


At the start of November we start making the Samosas. The children help to make them as we all contribute together to raise funds for our schools Fair.


The Children's' program


Before Care

In the last of the cooler mornings some of the students have been enjoying winding up wool on our wool winders. We are putting the wool away for summer, thanks to everyone who donated the wool, we have made many pom pons, some students have started to learn how to knit and crochet. This week so far, children have started beading with wire and making Hama Bead creations. There has been movie trailers being filmed, outdoor games being played and books being read.



Inside has been a hive of creativity, origami claw fingers, chess championships, drawing colouring and painting. Dress ups have been popular yesterday in the morning and evening sessions. Students have been busy building with the LEGO and enjoyed getting the Mobilo back out.  Outside has been fun as it is warmer and the children have been playing sports and imagination games or just hanging out and talking.



Wish lists for aftercare


Is there anything you have lying around at home, such as something that you were thinking of making with it,  but then decided not to or just never got round to ?


We would love things like card board boxes, material, wool, paper, string, bits and bobs.


Please if you do have things make sure they are in a bag or box as we don't have heaps of storage and we will probably use it straight away.



That's all my news for now, if you have any donations, inquiries or other things to mention, please email me at iposhc@ivanhoeps.vic.gov.au


Triganin! Lexi