From the Principal

Referendum Voting - 14th October- also BBQ Fundraiser

Curriculum Day - Monday 6th November - (Students do not attend school)

Welcome to Ivanhoe Primary School, 


It's been a quiet week without our year 6 students!


Regular updates to parents and to us back here at school tell us that the students are having a wonderful time in Canberra.   


Here's a diary exerpt for day 3...


Day three on the year six Canberra camp tour to Canberra.

This morning we were up at 6:45 am for breakfast and then straight on the bus to Parliament house. Although Parliament wasn’t sitting. We got to visit the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as hold a mock meeting of the House of Representatives arguing a bill for water tanks for every resident of Australia.

Jina was an amazing speaker of the house. Other students held roles  of prime minister, leader of the opposition and members of the crossbench etc etc.

The students learned an enormous amount about the electoral voting system of our democracy, and how our laws are made.


Next it was off To the CSIRO, to learn about some of Australia’s achievements in the area of science, including aeroguard and the invention of Wi-Fi.

This afternoon we are off to the Thai embassy as their guests, and IPS IS  the only school I’m aware of to ever be invited to regularly visit an embassy in Canberra whilst on school camp. 

We are arriving with a gift from our SCHOOL which is a signed photograph of all of our students and teachers in this years 6.


They are looking forward to welcoming us with a cultural display and we are very much looking forward to tasting some of their delicious food, and meeting the ambassador of Thailand, as well as the Minister for the Thai chamber of commerce.


This evening, it was a privilege to be welcomed at the royal Thai embassy for some language and counting lessons, along with some instructions on a traditional dance. The Ambassador was delighted with our gift. The students were such great ambassadors for Ivanhoe Primary School. That IPS has been invited  back next year. 


The Canberra Camp is an amazing opportunity for students to really come to grips with significant parts of the curriculm around government and governance. In next week's addition of Inside Ivanhoe there will be a page dedicated to the camp, along with writings from students.


Come along and grab a sausage if our school is your local polling station.   The more sausages we sell, the more money goes towards resources for your children here at school!  You'll find some of our staff volunteering alongside our parent volunteers.  


Can you turn a snag? Fold a slice of bread? Sell a sausage?  Why not come and help out for an hour? 


All money goes towards your children's programs, resources etc - basically all the stuff that is not funded by the department and helps make our school one of the best schools in Australia. 

FAIR Update

Our biennial IPS Fair is on 25th of November (from 12pm-5.30pm) - please put this date in your calendars. This is our major fundraiser, and it plays a pivotal role in supporting various academic and extracurricular programs for your children, so there is an expectation that your family will get involved in some way.


Here are some options below;- 


The Silent Auction is probably the biggest fundraiser at the Fair. If a business or organisation you have a relationship with has goods or services we can auction off in our Silent Auction, we would love to hear from you. 


Please contact the Fair Committee ( with a description and value of the donated goods/services, specific conditions and/or dates (note that vouchers should be valid for 6 months from the Fair date), and where applicable, pick-up arrangements- 


if you would personally like to donate cash, contact the Fair Committee ( Rest assured the funds will be allocated wisely towards ensuring our IPS Fair is a roaring success


Each class at school is running a stall. Put your name down with your Class Rep to help out beforehand and at your stall on the day of the Fair


Each class is also required to do a piece of class art to auction off at the Silent Auction so we need helpers to assist with running this (again, see your Class Rep for more details)


Required donations of


*good quality 2nd hand books (to be left at school in the hallway outside the Staffroom in the main brick building)*good quality and clean 2nd hand toys (to be left at the School Office). No soft toys please

*good quality and clean 2nd hand bric-a-brac items (to be left at the School Office). Examples include crockery, pictures, ornaments, arts & crafts, jewellery, DVDs, vintage records, tools etc



Please can families begin to hang on to any paper shopping bags.  


A little closer to the fair we will be asking for paper bags to be used for customers of the book and toy stalls. 


If we have any Baristas and RSA holders - we would love to hear from you.  Your skills are needed for the coffee staff and the bar if you would be willing to volunteer a little time, please contact Cat.


Thanks to Andrea for getting the ball rolling and all the organisation for the fair so far.  Cat will be taking over all things fair, so any queries or questions, Cat is your person!  Thank you Cat.


We hope that you will take this opportunity to support our school and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students.

Andrea Thomas

Fair Co-ordinator

Ivanhoe Primary School

We hope that you will take this opportunity to support our school and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students.


Andrea Thomas

Fair Co-ordinator

Ivanhoe Primary School

IPS Fair - $20 Student Stalls

Student stall registrations closes this Friday 6 October at 5pm.

Please click on the following link to register your stall.


Here are registered student stalls so far:


• EJ Crochet Bouquet

• As Art to Life

• Edie's Beadies - selling hand made beaded necklaces and bracelets

• The return of Ethan's Pokémon stall

• Crown socks, t-shirts and Christmas hand-made toys• Face painting

• Magical Makes - selling handmade items and accessories

• Fairy

• Christmas and birthday cards and gift tags

• Fan World - handheld fan, rechargeable fan, folding fan

• Happy Bags - fun and colorful bags and pouches you can carry everywhere!!

• Sticky Kids slime

• Brady’s Designs - products made with natural products, such as shells and plants

• Things, Things, Things Galore!

• GGs Jewells - handmade clay earrings

• Little Lifestyle - children’s and school accessories like water bottles and bags

• Bowen's Toys

• Fun Arts for Transformation

• Plants, toys and second-hand items



Spring has brought some mixed Melbourne weather.  We've had rain and some days of sunshine.  It's exactly what our gardens need (although the oval can get a bit muddy so it's a good idea to have a spare change of clothes just in case).  The school front garden has had a spring clean and a trim ready for summer.


Many thanks to Rob Pearce (Lisa and Leighton's dad) for pruning our roses and looking after them and thanks to Connecting 2 Australia which is a disability social enterprise who we engage to maintain our garden in between working bees. By paying for the services of Connecting 2 Australia it provides employment opportunities that bring financial independence, choice and inclusion for people with disability.  We still do need help at working bees too though!





Pam Wright

Assistant Principal