October Reads
It’s spooky month and the library has your reading needs. Here are some books for your October reads:
Bite Risk: What happens when you live in a small country town where one night a month the adults turn into werewolves? This is slightly scary, exciting and funny story, with twists and turns along the way.
Ghost Book: A graphic novel about a girl who befriends a boy ghost stuck between the worlds of the living and the dead.
The Girl From The Well: Okiku is a lonely soul. She has wandered the world for centuries, freeing the spirits of the murdered dead. But this does not bring Okiku peace. Such is her existence, until she meets Tark. Evil writhes between the moody teen’s skin, trapped by a series of intricate tattoos. Tark needs to be freed from the malevolence that clings to him, there's just one problem. If the demon dies, so does its host.
In the last week of Term 3, we celebrated Book Week. The week started with a United Nations mock debate in the library, with our Indonesian sister school joining us via Zoom. We had lots of activities in the library classes were held, stories were written, competitions entered and finished off with our annual dress up day parade.
Thank you to everyone that participated and the parents who support our students in their costume making. Our overall winner for the students was 'Grug', Arden Buttonshaw. What an amazing effort she put in for her costume! Our staff winners were our Admin Team who represented the 'Little Miss' books.
Both our staff and students had fun dressing up as different characters for Book Week. A special mention to our Hands-On-Learning teacher Emy Kennedy, who dressed as Mary from the nursery rhyme, "Mary Had A Little Lamb", however took it to the next level by bringing to school her delightful little lambs to our college, winning over the hearts of staff and students alike.
Tales from Kokoda Trek
We love to celebrate student achievements in the library and we recently had one of our regulars head off on a Kokoda Trek. Colin H has had some really amazing stories to share with us, and we recently had a viewing in the library of a video about his trek and then question time to finish. What an amazing experience, everyone is so proud of Colin.