Term 4 Important Dates
Please see below for important upcoming dates this term:
Year 7 Enrolments 2024
The Year 7 enrolment forms for 2024 which were emailed out on Monday the 21st August 2023 are now overdue. If parents/guardians have not returned their completed documents, can you please do so ASAP. If you have any further questions, please email us at:
Artwave 2023
We are beyond excited to announce Surf Coast Secondary College’s annual Artwave Exhibition for 2023.
This year we are holding Artwave externally at HOOP Gallery in Torquay. The students are excited to see their work in a gallery context and we hope you will join us for the opening night on Thursday 2nd of November from 6pm - 8pm.
This year the exhibition is centred around Year 12 students across the Visual Art subjects of Art, Visual Communication, Media and Technology and is a celebration of their Unit 4 Outcomes.
A special mention to student Maya H for the cover work for our 2023 poster.
Be sure to save the date – this is an event not to miss!