Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Term 4 2023. I hope you all enjoyed the recent school holiday period.
Year 12 Final Days
It’s been great seeing our Year 12 students enjoying their final days of schooling. They have had fun with their dress-up theme days and seem to be really making the most of each others company in classes and in the yard.
Earlier this week our Vocational Major students enjoyed celebrating their success with a special lunch. Then today we have celebrated our whole Year 12 cohort with a Graduation Assembly on Monday afternoon and a Year 12 breakfast on Tuesday morning. The final event for Year 12s will be the Valedictory Dinner at GMHBA Stadium once the VCE exam period is complete.
I’m sure our Year 12 students will enjoy these special events and I look forward to celebrating with them all. I also encourage all our VCE students who are sitting exams to use the coming weeks wisely with a sound study plan and ongoing communication with their teachers to ensure they maximise their academic success and set themselves up for a smooth transition to university, TAFE or whatever pathway they choose in 2024.
School Events & Activities
Our Term 4 calendar for students is very busy! There are a number of camps, excursions, arts events, sports events and presentations that will keep our students engaged. All students will participate in a ‘Head Start’ program in their final weeks where they will commence studies in their 2024 subjects.
The Head Start program is extremely important and all students are required to be in attendance.
I’d like to remind parents that we have a full academic and co-curricular program for our young people right up until their official final day of school for 2023. No student should be finishing the year early and missing these important learning opportunities.
As the days get warmer, now is a good time to ensure all students have the correct summer uniform.
Each day we have far too many students at school out of uniform. Our school uniform list is comprehensive and the expectation is that all students will wear this uniform. This is the same expectation at every other school and not a request that is unique to SCSC.
The following non-uniform clothing items seem to be particularly prevalent at the moment:
- Hoodies
- Denim shorts
- Denim pants
- Tracksuit pants (non-school)
Again, I appeal to you to please ensure your children do not leave home in the mornings unless they are in full school uniform. This is a reasonable request and part of the commitment families make when you choose to send your child to any particular school.
I’d like to thank the vast majority of our school community who ensure our young people are dressed appropriately for school each day in full school uniform.
Buildings and Grounds Work
There is a lot of work being undertaken by the College leadership team in preparation for the 2024 school year and this includes improvements to buildings and grounds. Things will certainly be looking a little different!
Currently we are constructing a beach volleyball court and plan to have this completed in the coming weeks. The project was the result of feedback from some Year 11 students who are keen volleyball players and highlighted to us that participation numbers in local volleyball competitions are increasing and we have more of our students enthusiastic about the sport. The students presented their research and we were happy to action a plan for them. The court will be available to students at break times and we look forward to seeing some beach volleyball action in time for summer!
Later this term, contractors will be working onsite to turn some of our ‘open plan’ learning spaces into ‘flexible learning spaces’ with the addition of walls and doors. This new design will better support the curriculum changes planned at Year 7 to 9, while still allowing flexibility for team teaching and other activities. These changes are being made after consultation with teachers, students and parents during school review panel forums.
Moving into 2024 and beyond we will continue to explore ways to enhance our already wonderful school buildings and grounds to ensure they support the best teaching practices, create the best learning environment for students and improve the functionality of our spaces.
Thank you and take care.
Shane Elevato
Acting Principal.