Principals Report

Ms Stephanie Scott

Welcome to our last newsletter for Term 3! It was wonderful to see so many families at our formal assembly this week where we inducted our new school leaders and recognised the efforts and achievements of students for the term. 


As I said in my speech, the process to become a leader and then school captain was extremely rigorous. To be allowed to nominate, students needed to meet a high standard of behaviour and effort at school. They then needed to deliver a speech in front of the whole school on stage using the microphone – which is pretty daunting (I still get nervous!) - but the quality of speeches was absolutely outstanding. To be elected school captain students had to answer impromptu questions on leadership in front of different representatives of the school – once again all did an amazing job. I know I speak for everyone– it really was an incredibly high standard and an extremely difficult job to have to choose our leaders and then school captains. Congratulations to Jackson Clarke and Bridie Makejev our school captains and Brooke Everett, Kira Johnston, Phoebee Lyons, Emily Mason and Frankie Vasta our leadership team, we are very fortunate to have you as our new leaders! 


At the end of this term, we sadly farewell Mrs Naomi Woodall who will be moving with her family to Bathurst (my old home!). Mrs Woodall has worked as one of our regular casual teachers all year and has been highly valued by students and staff. We wish her all the best. We also farewell our MC teacher, Miss Ashleigh Green for 2 terms as she begins her maternity leave. Miss Green will be greatly missed but we are very excited to have a new baby who we hope will visit us! 


You have probably heard in the media that starting next term there is going to a statewide ban on mobile phones in high schools. While we already have an "off and away" phone policy, to ensure that we are fully complying with the new legislation we will be introducing a new phone policy next term which I will be communicating with families and students next week.


I'd like to wish all our students and families a safe and enjoyable holiday. Next week we sadly farewell Yr 12 at their graduation assembly and we wish them all the best for their HSC examinations.