From the Principal
Last Friday, 8 September, when students were enjoying a pupil-free day, Endeavour staff were also focusing on the restoration of self. Restoration of self through the act of service.
We dedicated time to give back to various community organisations, to help fulfil vital and essential needs both locally and internationally.
This act of giving back, whether it was by packing relief hampers, sorting and organising charity donations, cleaning fridges or even completing maintenance jobs for the benefit of others is restoring to one's being. Restoration by the definition means to give back, to return, to renew.
Our staff relished in the opportunity to provide support and assistance to others, helping these community organisations live their mission and purpose.
Staff visited the following organisations:
- Puddle Jumpers Kilkenny
- Puddle Jumpers Glandore
- Puddle Jumpers Hindmarsh
- Puddle Jumpers Queenstown
- Family Zone Ingle Farm
- Container of Hope
- Lutheran Care
- Lutheran Archives
It's comforting to know those who need help, no matter what that may look like, have places and people to turn to that will provide support unconditionally.
Jesus Christ demonstrated servant leadership by washing His disciples' feet, which was typically the job of the lowest servant in a household.
Even though Jesus was God in human form, He humbled Himself to serve His disciples.
This act of service showed His humility and love for His followers.
Servant leaders serve because Jesus first served us, just as we love because Jesus first loved us (1 John 4:7-8).
Richard Baird