Child Safety Day

Child Safety Day - Friday the 27th of October
In recognition of Day for Daniel, the children at Clifton Hill Primary School will participate in activities related to Child Safety around the themes of Recognise, React and Respond.
Child Safety is an area of the curriculum that is covered each year, usually in Term 4, so we believe this is an appropriate time to begin this important aspect of learning.
Children may be involved in watching age appropriate and specifically designed videos and/or completing activities that focus on ‘Feeling Safe, Being Safe and Responding to Unsafe Situations’ (F - 2) and ‘Recognising, Reacting and Responding to Bullying’ (Yrs 3 -6). The Child Safety curriculum also covers topics focussed on concepts of ‘my body, my choice’, and strategies children can use when they need to seek, give or deny consent (permission).