Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Linda Wakeling

It has been a fantastic start to Term 4. It seems that this year has gone by so quickly. Students are looking forward to many exciting events that will be happening this term. 


Currently some of our Year 12 graduates and Advance students are at Forest Edge Camp. The first day has been very exciting with activities such as Flying fox, low ropes and initiative challenges and climbing wall. Students are looking forward to a camp fire tonight and a much needed sleep after a busy day. 


Year 10, 11 and 12 students this week took part in first aid training. Students learnt about bandaging and using slings, CPR, stopping bleeding and other important skills to be able to give people first aid. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn a skill which they will be able to use at home and in a work setting. Some of our students will have the opportunity to complete their Food Handling Certificate later this term. 


Room 26 headed off to Broadmeadows to have lunch and to go to the movies. They were all very excited to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is a great opportunity for students to practice walking safely around Broadmeadows and accessing the community. Room 23 is also heading off to Broadmeadows this week to visit the library and to go to the shopping centre. They will be using skills learnt in the classroom to purchase their lunches. It is great that we have such a great community to be a part of. 


Some of the fantastic events to look forward to this term include Life Education incursion, Year 12 Graduation, PBS Celebrations, Colour run, Awards Day, Secondary Concert and many more. 


Room 24


In Room 24, during Term 3, students have been learning and having fun.

Daisy, Daksh, Katarina, Kerem, Firas, Max, Samir and Roshan will continue to have a great and fun time learning during Term 4, 2023. 

Daisy, Max, Firas and Kerem have attended “Brite” to gain work experience in warehousing. All of them enjoyed and had fun.










On Thursday, Students from Room 24 have enjoyed Hands on Learning Building with Rob.

















Nelly and Nirosha are looking forward to continuing assisting students in Room 24 to have a rewarding learning journey during Term 4.