Middle Sub-School News

A huge ‘welcome back’ to Term 4. I don’t know about you, but the year has simply flown by. We have a jam packed term ahead filled with lots of learning, and of course lots of fun.
A few key dates to be aware of:
- All of the Middle Sub School will be heading to Inflatable World on Friday 20th October. You can expect some tired children coming home after this action packed day I’m sure!
- We have the JSA Colour Run on Monday 18th December. This will take place on site at JSA and I’m sure will be a sight to see- colours galore.
Please note that Student Support Meetings (SSG’s) take place in Weeks 8-10. These will be an opportunity for you to discuss progress made by your child this year as well as any future goals that may need to be communicated as we head into the 2024 year. Keep an eye out for communication coming home regarding booking these in. In the event these weeks do not work for you, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher to coordinate an alternate time.
As always, I encourage you to continue to utilise your child’s communication book to assist in keeping open lines of communication around what is occurring in the classroom and at home. Information shared, no matter how small or large, is crucial in understanding changes in behaviour. With this in mind, the classroom team can support your child, and the family to navigate any disruptions or changes to schedules and routines, which we know can be significant for your child.
Here’s to what I’m sure will be a wonderful, exciting and rewarding term ahead!
Room 14
The student of Term 3 was Saviour. He has been respectful, polite and friendly with staff and students throughout Term 3.
The students in M14 have enjoyed returning from the school holiday. We have been so chatty in the morning when arriving as we are glad to see each other.
We are investigating countries from Africa, South America, Europe or North America. Each student has chosen a country and have been researching the internet for information through images and written passages.
The students have discussed Cyber Safety and have shared and explained their thinking to show their understanding of privacy and safety on line.
The Girls Group and Boys Group have begun this week and when returning to class they feel good and looked relaxed. The Canine Communication class is also beginning this week with new students.
Many students have participated in the weekly PBS tickets draw and or the Colouring Competition where they have won and chosen their prize.
M14 Student Leaders: Bailee, Saviour, Michael and Elif take turns to raise the school flags on Monday and lower them on Friday.