Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Erwon- for recognising Australian coins and notes. 
  • Liam- for participating in counting songs in Maths.

Room 2

  •  Albert for doing good listening in the playground
  •  Ransher for participating in group learning activities.  

Room 3

  • Marshall has demonstrated he can communicate ‘Who is at home’ and ‘Who is at school’ and then say if there are ‘More’ students at school or at home.
  • Celine has demonstrated she can join in sensory play with the support of an adult.

Room 4

  • Mohammad has been kicking goals! He is beginning to say words and also has been socialising great with his classroom peers. Well done, Mohammad. What a star you are, Mohammad! Keep up the great work!
  • Logan has had a great start to Term 4! He has shown great literacy skills by having clear handwriting and reading fluently. Well done, Logan. What a star you are, Logan! Keep up the great work!

Room 5

  • Dexter - for having a smooth transition and positive start into mainstream school.
  • Enver - for having a great start to Term 4 and communicating more frequently.

Room 6

  • Madeline has demonstrated confidence getting off the bus and transitioning to the classroom by herself and unpack her bag. Well Done!
  • Zachary for always trying his best while working to complete the tasks 

Room 7

  • Scarlett  -  most caring
  • Oliver - most kind


Room 8

  • Keerthi for good listening 
  • Kivanc for positive energy in the class


Room 9 

  • Connor for attempting to participate in classroom activities and his matching activities
  • Ilhan for his participation in classroom activities, sharing how he feels and using his communication device to make requests and say hi to staff and peers.