Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
The Yaluk Building continues to change. Light filtering panes have been installed high in the gym. Skylights are being installed in corridors and the walkways for outdoor learning spaces adjacent to the classrooms are starting to be constructed. We are now looking to start ordering new furniture for the building.
Traffic Management Plan for the school has been updated.
The key factors for the school community include:
- All carparks have designated Entry and Exit points to make the carparks one-way. Please use the correct gate for safety for the whole community.
- There are designated drop-off and pick up zones around the school.
- Primary students can use the Administrative carpark - entry from Landy Road, exit to Lichfield Ave and
- Parents Carpark Bamburgh Street (enter from northern end)
- Middle School students use Staff Carpark - entry is the southern end of Landy Road and exit is the northern gate.
- Secondary students enter from the gate in Bamburgh St, near the Kitchen Garden. Parents are requested to obey the parking signs so they do not impede the entry and exit of the school buses.
- School buses enter the bus loop from the northern end and exit by the southern gate. Parents are requested to leave Bamburgh Street parent carpark by turning left from the school gate. This will ensure that the pathway for buses entering the school is not impeded.
- Bamburgh Street becomes very congested with neighbours parking (legally) on the opposite street and buses driving south along the street. Parents can help ease the congestion by treating Bamburgh Street as one way travelling from north to south. This means that as you leave the parents carpark you only turn left so you do not impede the buses - it will only add 300 metres and 40 seconds to your journey for the added safety. Please avoid U turns in the street as these contribute to congestion and slowing down the buses. See map below:
Facilities News
Facilities staff have been working through the many items posted on the log and planning for Christmas holidays and 2024 works. Repair and restoration works are continuing in the secondary classroom area. This term, maintenance is planning to work through our list to ensure the school is ready for the long break.