
Principal News Flash 

Stephanie Di Salvo & Dan Moloney 



Hi there everyone!


We cannot believe that we are already in Term 4, the final term for 2023. How time flies. 

I have a list of important Curriculum and Wellbeing matters for our community to bring to your attention, as below:


Secondary Parent Carers Information Night 


On Thursday August 21st, we held a successful parent night to inform families with students/prospective students in Years 7-12. Attendance was high this year with over 43 attendees. We outlined some new initiatives/areas of implementation including our Head Start Apprenticeships/Traineeships program and our new VET Hospitality program to be delivered in our new purpose-built café for 2024.








2023 Parent, Carergiver and Guardian Opinion Survey Results


Recently, our 2023 survey results data came through from DET. We had 36 respondents in total with a 3.4% increase in overall positive endorsement. Some pleasing results included:


School Ethos & Environment

  • Physical Environment: 92% positive endorsement (Increase of 10% from 2022)
  • School Improvement: 86% positive endorsement (Increase of 10% from 2022)
  • School Pride & Confidence: 86% positive endorsement (Increase of 10% from 2022)

Student Safety

  • Managing Bullying: 75% positive endorsement (Increase of 13% from 2022)
  • Non-experience of Bullying: 67% positive endorsement (Increase of 23% from 2022)
  • Respect for Diversity: 93% positive endorsement (Increase of 15% from 2022)

Identified Areas for Improvement for JSA include:


Student Safety

  • Non-experience of Bullying: 67% positive endorsement (despite the increase, one of our lowest measures for parent endorsement)

FISO (Excellence in Teaching and Learning)

  • Effective Teaching: 78% positive endorsement (Decrease of 1% from 2022)

JSA Cultural Calendar

Book Week and Fair


Earlier this month, we celebrated Book Week with a fantastic Dress-Up Day and Book Fair for all staff and students. The Dress-Up Day was well supported by both students and staff coming along in costume as their favourite book character. We were lucky enough to award 6 students with ‘Book Fair’ vouchers as best dressed on the day.


Our Book Fair was also well attended with our revenue sales up considerably from last year. The Fundraising Committee and staff requested for a selection of more affordable books and offered a quiet reading space for students to enjoy after completing their purchases.



Canine Comprehension - Term 4



In Term 4, it is great that these sesions will continue as follows:

  • Wednesdays - for student visits in the Middle and Secondary Sub Schools
  • Thursdays - for student visits in the Primary Sub School