Physical Education and Sports

'Healthy body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Heart.'

Sport News Term 4 Week 2 : 2023


School Swimming Lessons

Our School Swimming lessons have concluded for our Prep, Year One and Year Two students. Our Year Three and Year Four students have started this week and our Year Five and Year Six students will attend YAWA early in November. 


Year 3/4 Students 

Students will leave school 30 minutes before their scheduled lessons and walk to the YAWA Aquatic Centre. 

Here are the dates and times of the lessons;

Monday 23rd October, Tuesday 24th October, Thursday 26th October, Friday 27th October

Monday 30th October, Tuesday 31st October, Thursday 2nd November, Friday 3rd November

Time of lessons:  3/4R - 12:20 - 1:00

3/4S - 1:00 - 1:40

3/4F - 1:40 - 2:20


Year 5/6 Students


Monday 13th November, Tuesday 14th November, Thursday 16th November, Friday 17th November

Monday 20th November, Tuesday 21st November, Thursday 23rd November, Friday 24th November

Time of lessons:  5/6A - TBA

5/6B - TBA

5/6C - TBA


School uniform should be worn each day with swimming clothing underneath where possible.  Please bring a towel, goggles and change of underwear in a separate bag to your school bag.

Please keep an eye on the weather and a raincoat and/or umbrella may be required as we will be attending in all weather conditions.


Thank you to the parents who have offered to assist. Could all parent helpers walking with classes, please check in at the front office when you arrive at school to walk with the students.

Please note: Operoo Permission forms will be released for years 5/6 students closer to the dates listed above.



Dan Koole

Physical Education Teacher