Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families


First a BIG, BIG thank you to Nathan Bradbury, one of our parents, who has kindly offered to collect and return the 250 chairs from Padua College Rosebud for our Production. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Also, a big shout out to all the parent / carers who have, are and continuing to help us walk our students to and from YAWA for the swimming programs in Term 4.  Thanks for your generous donation of time!



Dr Seus 'The Cat in the Hat' 

Interested in winning a double pass for the show 'The Cat in the Hat' at Frankston Art Centre? If so, keep an eye out for communication next week to know how to go in the running.


National Ride2School Day Poster Competition

National Ride2School are running a poster competition for those interested and to pursue at home. Please go to the website to find out more on how you can have the opportunity to win a new bike and helmet.


A reminder that students may only wear sleepers or studs at school due to safety. Some summer school hats are in very poor condition and are not sun safe so please check your child's hat. Only school socks are to be worn - no logos or colours please.   


'When I Grow up' production

The production is zooming up! Thursday November 9 is just 2 weeks away now. Please look out for information regarding costuming, ticketing and so on in Audiri in the coming week. 


Tomorrow is World Teachers' Day!

Being a teacher provides the unique opportunity to make a transformative and lasting impact on the lives of others, contributing to shaping sustainable futures and offering personal fulfilment. On this World Teachers' Day we recognise all those teachers past, who provided us with a legacy; present, who fan the flames of purpose and dignity; and future, who rekindle – through listening and connection – their talent and vocation to shape the profession globally. A big shout out to all our amazing Fatima teachers for their dedication - we appreciate all you do!


Don't forget students are invited to wear a hat of their choice tomorrow to celebrate World Teacher's Day! We can't wait to see all the all the different hats on display!


Looking forward to seeing a few parents and friends at our PFA Trivia Night tomorrow!


Go gently 

Sarah McDermott
