Principal's Report

Principal’s Report

Dear families and carers, 

I trust that everyone had a pleasant time over the school holiday break.  I know there are many very happy Collingwood supporters – congratulations! 


It has been an amazing two weeks back.   It has been so uplifting to see all our students back on deck, and for all of us to experience and share so many stories.  What a wonderful start to the term!  As always, plenty of highlights to look forward to this term including a late-night experience for Grade 1s, graduation for our Grade 6 students, kinder visits, excursions to the zoo, Funfields, and much more. 



Please remember that our SunSmart approach is now in full swing, and all students will need to be wearing appropriate hats when playing outside.  If students are outside without a hat, teachers will direct them to play in the shade for their safety. So please support students’ ability to play freely by packing a hat (or two) in school bags, with names on the inside to assist the return of any lost hat.


Planning for 2024

Term 4 is always dominated with planning for the following year – grade and staff selection, budgets, enrolments and more. We have asked this before, (and families have been very good in letting us know), but if any other families are intending to leave our school community in 2024 because of relocation or other reason, could you please advise us as soon as possible. A phone call to the office, or an email to the school or my email account asap would be most appreciated.


Foundation Enrolments

The school is currently accepting enrolments for 2024 and a formal transition program will begin for our new Prep (Foundation) students on 3rd November (session 1).   We will also be holding a Foundation information session for families during this time.


Families that have a sibling starting at Merri-bek Primary School next year and have not yet completed the enrolment process should contact our friendly Office Staff for assistance. 

Your assistance with this process is much appreciated as we go through the process of building grade structures and staffing for the coming school year.


Year 1 Dinner and Year 2 Sleepover

Congratulations to our Year 2 students for their sleep over on Thursday night! The sleep over night at school is an important start to our camps program and every student should be proud of their achievement. No doubt there were some weary children and teachers on Friday after a fun filled evening! Thank you to our staff – Hannah, Lauretta, Luisa, Luciana, Tom, Costa, Sengul, Belinda and Joe for ensuring a safe, fun and successful event.

Our Year 1 students loved the dinner and the fun activities with their peers.  Thanks Sengul for taking photos- great memories for all.


Maria Giordano
