Principal's Report 

Issue No 30 -  4 October 2023

Term 4 - Week 1

Principal’s Report

Welcome back to St Kilian’s School for Term 4. It is a great time of the year, with the weather warming up and more daylight to enjoy after school activities. I hope all students and families had an enjoyable break and are recharged and ready to face the rigours of the final term of the year.


Term 4 is always a busy one. The students, again, will be engaged in diverse and challenging learning tasks and activities.  As parents, you can continue to be part of your child’s/children’s learning at home, by taking an interest in the activities that have taken place at school.  We look forward to the challenges ahead and celebrating all of the wonderful learning the students will make.


Friday Afternoon Assembly

Our next assembly will be showcasing 5NT on Friday 15th September. Assembly will take place in the school hall and we invite the parents of 5NT to attend.  We will start promptly at 3pm.


Pupil Free Day

Monday 16th October will be a pupil free day for staff to engage in professional development in the areas of first aid and wellbeing.


Region Athletics

Next Monday some of our students will represent our school at the Region Athletics.  We wish them all the best and hope they enjoy the experience.


Grade 5 Camp

At the end of last term our Grade 5 students spent three days at Campaspe Downs camp.  The students had a delightful time and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  Special thanks to Mr Williams, Miss Turpie, Mrs House, Tara and Amy for supporting this adventure.


Sunsmart & Summer Uniform

Term 4 (and Term 1) students are required to wear the St Kilian’s sunhat during recess and lunch, and in general, any outside activity. New hats are available from the uniform shop for $12 if a new one is to be purchased. Students also begin the transition into summer uniform. The school’s uniform shop continues to fill orders via the QKR app.

All students are able to transition out of their winter uniform and wear their summer uniform for the beginning of week 3. I have asked the students to continue to uphold the high standards of wearing the correct uniform, which they have set from the beginning of the year. I ask for the parents' support in ensuring the students are wearing the correct uniform, in particular, the correct socks and no brand names. It is time for hats to be worn at school, everyday for the remainder of the year. I also ask that sport uniforms are only worn on the classes’ sport days. I thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter.


Prep-2 Gym Program

Our students in prep, one and two will be participating in a gymnastics program at Palmer’s Gym over the coming weeks.  We hope they enjoy these sessions together.


2024 Students

Planning for the 2024 school year has begun. To assist with this process, if you know your child (in Grade Prep to 5) will be leaving St Kilian’s School at the end of the year, except the graduating Grade 6 class, could you please inform me via email or a letter of your intentions as soon as possible. By doing this, it will assist in organising staffing and class numbers for the 2024 school year. I thank you for your assistance, in advance, for the parents who this applies to.


God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney 
