School Information
School Uniform
Due to production changes, St Joseph's will transition to a new polo top.
POLO tops will be phased in, meaning that as new tops
Families are NOT expected to purchase tops to replace current uniform.
If you need to communicate with us, please use the flow chart as a guide. We look forward to celebrating and supporting all students and families.
Families are encouraged to NAME their children's school uniform. Every day there are a number of jumpers left in the yard without a name. If your child has left a jumper at school, please come and help us identify it for you.
While we strive to keep the uniform affordable, I am concerned that families that don't have a jumper at home will go and purchase a new one.
At the same time, if your child brings home an item of clothing that does not belong to them, please return it to school so we can find it's owner.