Messages from Mrs Trewick


Welcome back to Term 4. It was lovely to see everyone back at school ready for a very productive term ahead. This is a particularly special time for our Year 6s who begin their last term of primary school.


To ensure that your child can be the best they can be with their learning, could I please remind parents make every effort to schedule appointments out of school hours and be sure your child arrives at school before the bell each day. Being at school, on time each day is the best possible way you can assist your child to be a successful learner. Please contact either myself or your child’s teacher if you are having any concerns with school attendance so we are able to support you where possible.


This term we look forward to many events and opportunities to welcome you and community members to our school. The most exciting part of term 4 is welcoming our newest members, the 2024 Foundation students and their families. It is also very important that we work with the various secondary schools that our Grade 6 students will transition to in 2024. 



What a year it has been! 

This weekend there are a number of events acknowledging the anniversary of the floods that changed so many lives. 

We will have a school presence at the Combined Churches memorial service on Sunday afternoon. If you are able to attend with your family, that would be great.



Teachers will be attending the presentation by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg on Monday afternoon and the Grade 5/6 students will attend his presentation for students on Tuesday at 9.45am.


Families wishing to attend the 6.00pm session are most welcome. Please let me know if you need childcare. We can offer this between 5.45pm - 7.15pm at school.


The new polo top will be available for purchase from the end of next week. We thank Rochester Sportspower for working with us to make this change. Keep an eye open for more information to come regarding Rugby Jumpers, beanies and sports clothes for when children compete on behalf of St Joseph's.



Planning is underway for this event. 

As we are unsure of the completion dates of our school this will be offsite. (Look out for a big 2024 start of year gathering onsite!)

 - venue to be confirmed

 - volunteers to help with the preparation of the gathering are welcome, please contact Liz or Allison



We have updated our MATRIX of school expectations. We have noticed there is a lot of hands on (wrestling) play happening during break times since the holidays.  For some children this is a fun game and for others it isn't.


We thank you in advance for your support of our expectations.

Building Update


Kildare Centre

  • Painting ✅
  • Foor coverings ✅
  • Kitchen is almost finished - we are waiting for appliances

Not long now until we have our gathering space back.

Main building:

  • the sand and waffle pods are being delivered this week and next week as the form work is done to prepare the building for concrete

Events coming up:

  • Monday 16th October: RSL Flag ceremony & lunch (lunch provided courtesy RSL and PnF)
  • Monday 16th October: Little Joeys transition session @ 2.10pm
  • Monday 16th October: Dr Michael Carr-Gregg @ 6.00pm at the CVCC
  • Tuesday 17th October: Grades 1/2 Excursion to Food Share
  • Wednesday 18th October: DUO Day
  • Thursday 19th October: Grade 5/6 Summer Sports Day in Kyabram
  • Friday 20th October: Grade 3/4 Summer Sports Day in Tongala
  • Monday 23rd October: Little Joeys transition session @ 2.10pm
  • Monday 23rd October: Life Relationships Parent/Student evening
  • Tuesday 24th October: School Advisory Council Meeting @ 7.00pm
  • Thursday 26th October: Boys to the Bush
  • Friday 27th October: World Teachers Day


Take care and stay in touch.