Year 3 News

Photograph: Orlando and Nacha hard at work recording their 

estimations and results - 3E

Amanda, Year 3 teacher

Spotlight on 3E - Volume and Capacity unit in Maths

3E had a fabulous time taking their learning outside the classroom. Using math materials and being able to transfer their learning of capacity helps with measuring ingredients in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen program. It also makes for more authentic learning! 


Discovering how to measure the scale on a measuring jug (in millilitres) and getting used to the amounts the scale is measured in on jugs and tubes is an important skill for cooking!


We encourage consolidation of these skills at home during cooking time. We are sure that students are keen to help out at home with their newly learnt skills!


Look at the pride in their faces, sharing their learning in the following images: 

Khang and James with their bookwork - 3E
Sadie and Poppy (Vincent far left) having a fantastic time - 3E
Khang and James with their bookwork - 3E
Sadie and Poppy (Vincent far left) having a fantastic time - 3E


Mae with Aditya far left, concentrating on reading the level - 3E
Luffy and Nemat posing for a photo with their maths books - 3E
Mae with Aditya far left, concentrating on reading the level - 3E
Luffy and Nemat posing for a photo with their maths books - 3E

What else can you do at home? Quiz your child on telling time to the minute with an analog clock - see how they go!