Year 6 News
From Elly, Year 6 teacher
Economics unit
Students are investigating and planning a potential sustainable business on the brick building site in the Triangle Park across the road from the school. As all serious architects, town planners and economists do, students had to create an idea, pitch it to their group, discuss the feasibility and environmental impact as well as gather information about the park’s use through a survey. On a sunny morning last week, each class went over to the site to measure the perimeter and area of the potential new building as well as other aspects of this delightful space.
Buddy picnic
Year 6 met with their Prep buddies for a teddy bears picnic, again in glorious weather. We began by having the teddies meet each other, share some tiny teddy biscuits. Year 6 students read a picture story book created about their own soft toys. Next, it was the epic teddy scavenger hunt and oval games. Year 6 Zara reflected on how it was wonderful to spend time with lots of different friends and buddies and to see the preps laugh and have big smiles on their faces. What a fun day!