School Council

Introducing our School Council members 

We will be including a series of bios in the next few newsletters so you can meet our School council members. 


Joe Cook has three children, two of whom are currently attending BPPS (Grade 5 & Grade 1). He joined School council in 2022 as the School Council President. He enjoys collaborating with the other members of staff and parent volunteers to improve BPPS on its already excellent learning environment. Joe enjoys travelling, learning new cultures and nature – camping, bushwalking and kite surfing.


Nadia Pitisano has three daughters, with two currently attending BPPS (Grade 4 & Grade 1). She’s been part of BPPS for eight years and joined School council in 2023 as a general member because she believes connections matter and that school is a place where we build community. Nadia enjoys volunteering, visiting art galleries and stalking beautiful buildings and architecture. She’s also forever searching for the perfect coffee.


Brice Shen has been on the School council since 2022 and has two girls at BPPS (Grade 3 & Foundation). He is passionate about learning and has worked in the tertiary education sector for many years. He has a background in programming and engineering and is an enthusiastic photographer. Brice has also recently been appointed School council Treasurer. If you would like a chat about programming, photography, Bluey, or the school in general, please find him at pickup time or behind the BBQ at school events. 


BASS - Boroondara Active 

Our school is joining the BASS program - Boroondara Active Safe School program. This link will provide information explaining how the program has worked in other schools.  

BASS Program 

A number of our parents have raised concerns around the safety of students travelling to and from the school. 

We would like your involvement, if you are interested in joining our team please contact the school via email on

Do you know what a school council does?

The School council meets at least eight times a year. Meetings are held onsite and often online during winter. 


School council has a number of active sub-committees - Finance, Education, Community Engagement, Buildings and Grounds.


Are you interested in finding out more? Do you want to ask a question about School council? 


Reach out via email to the School council President Joe Cook on 


If you would like to learn more, why not come along to our next meeting on November 22nd at 7pm in the Library. 


School councils play an important role in Victorian government schools. The School council has key functions and roles. 


Some of the key functions of school council with regard to the school are:

  • to establish the broad direction and vision of the school within the school's community
  • to raise funds for school related purposes
  • to regulate and facilitate the after-hours use of the school premises and grounds
  • to exercise a general oversight of the school buildings and grounds and ensure they are kept in good order and condition
  • to ensure that all money coming into the hands of the council is expended for proper purposes relating to the school
  • to inform itself and take into account any views of the school community for the purpose of making decisions in regard to the school and the students at the school
  • to generally stimulate interest in the school in the wider community
  • to prepare the School Strategic Plan and review the Annual Implementation Plan — to be signed by the president and the principal
  • to report annually (the Annual Report) to the school community and to the department on:
    • the school’s financial activities
    • the School Strategic Plan, and
    • any other matters that are determined by the Minister
  • to manage the hire, licence and shared use of school facilities
  • to determine the dates for the school’s student-free days:
    • in accordance with the number of student-free days each calendar year specified by the Secretary of the department

Do you want to find out more? Click on this link to find out about - Powers and functions