Visual Art

Weeks 3 and 4 in the Art Room


Tying in with their Term topic, Fairy tales, Foundation students have used boxes, craft materials, adhesives and their imagination to construct a house/building from one of their favourite fairy tales. They brainstormed the materials they should use to create certain effects, like using popsicle sticks for the wooden houses, brown paper, on which they drew a brick pattern for brick houses and cotton wool to create smoke coming from the chimney. The students were very engaged and they are very proud of their castles, wooden/brick 'little pig houses' and Rapunzel towers.



Students in Grades 1 and 2 explored Fauvism. They learned that Fauvism was a style of painting that started in France in the early 20th century and that the word "Fauvism" comes from the French work "fauve' which means 'wild beast'. Fauvist artists used paint in bright and bold colours, which often didn't portray realistic images. The students explored fauvist work form Henri Matise and have started their own fauvist work inspired by contemporary artist Claudio Malacarne.


The weaving project for the Grade 3 and 4 students is nearing completion, students have eagerly picked wool in various colours to add to their waft. Next week they will be learning how to tie their work and take it of the loom. 

It is lovely to hear that some students are enjoying weaving so much that they made looms at home from cardboard boxes, to be able to continue weaving at home.



The Grade 5 and 6 'ugly dolls' are coming along nicely and it is fabulous to see each student's unique design taking shape. This week students used a running stitch to sew eyes, mouths and buttons on their dolls. Next week students will use a slip stitch to sew the front and back of their dolls together and stuff it with cotton wool. 

It pleases me to know that some students have been inspired to make dolls at home as well. It is always wonderful to hear students are creating art at home!


Mrs T.