Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom

In addition to our regular classroom learning in PE over the past fortnight, the last two weeks have also seen students from F-6 participate in the BPPS Swimming Program. The feedback about our students has been fantastic - it has been lovely to hear all about the effort, persistence and respect that our students have demonstrated each day while in the water. Huge thanks also to all of the parents who have volunteered their time and energy over the past two weeks to attend and support with this program. Back at school, our students at each level have continued to engage in lessons with specific areas of focus - from Fundamental Movement Skills in the junior year levels, to Striking and Fielding in the middle years, up to the SEPEP program with our older students.  It has certainly been a big couple of weeks for our students!

Division Softball

The 5/6 girls’ softball team had a surprise entry into the Division Finals last Tuesday.  We are proud to report, that even though they had minimal time to train, the girls played like champions and placed second! All of our BPPS girls were models of teamwork, support, sportsmanship and persistence. We had a thrilling draw against Glen Iris PS in the first round, a triumphant win against Hawthorn West PS in the second round, and a near win against Balwyn PS in the third. Well done BPPS softball girls! 

Regional Athletics

One final athletics shout out for the year from me, with my most enthusiastic congratulations given to Anthony L (shot-put and discus) and Madeline D (triple jump) for their efforts at Regional Athletics last week. Throughout the various stages of athletics this year both Anthony and Maddie have trained for, and competed, with so much passion and dedication, which has been truly inspiring to observe. Thanks to both of these champions and well done on all of your successes. 

Fitness Club

Don't forget that it isn't too late to sign up for the BPPS Fitness Club, which will be meeting every Thursday morning in Term 4, at 8:15am at Leigh Park. If you would like to register for your child to attend, please email me at


Thanks for reading!


Mr. Wickham